Understand the Hour of Code experience


As technology continues to evolve at an accelerated pace, transforming the way we live and work in the process, societies must continue to navigate the challenges of an always-changing digital landscape. Understanding the principles of computing is quickly becoming an essential skill. It provides people with a keen understanding of how technology impacts their lives, empowers them to become full participants in society, and unlocks a wide range of career opportunities. This is especially true for today’s students, who will rely on computing skills throughout their lives, making it necessary for them to have opportunities to learn computer science (CS).

A report by LinkedIn and Microsoft revealed that 149 million new digital jobs will be created by 2025 in fields such as software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and AI. However, education can’t currently meet the growing demand for people with CS skills. As of October 2022, only 33% of technology jobs worldwide were filled by the adequately skilled.

The intended purpose of Hour of Code is to increase students’ access to computer science. It isn’t about learning how to code in just one hour—that isn’t enough time. However, it’s enough time to help open door and showcase new possibilities to students.

Hour of Code provides a fun and engaging experience to introduce computer science to students. Leveraging game-based learning in Minecraft Education affords students with an easy entry point into the realm of computer science where they develop their coding capabilities, computational thinking skills, and explore various ways computer science is used to solve problems!

Minecraft Hour of Code 2023: Generation AI

Artificial intelligence? What is that?!

In this Hour of Code experience, players team up with the trusty Agent to build helpful AI-powered inventions. They correct coding problems, solve fun puzzles, and use the principles of responsible AI while exploring the amazing potential of AI and the importance of fair, reliable technology. With coding in Blocks or Python, Minecraft Hour of Code allows anyone to learn the basics of coding and how to build better AI for all.

Minecraft Hour of Code 2022: Escape Estate

Can you escape Dr. Breakowski’s mysterious mansion, the Escape Estate?! Escape Estate is a quest-based, coding adventure set as series of enchanted escape rooms, featuring engaging and imaginative storylines connected to computational thinking skills. Each of these escape rooms requires students to search and collect clues, solve coding puzzles, and successfully unlock the doors to lead to the ultimate escape out of the mansion!

Minecraft Hour of Code 2021: TimeCraft

As a computer scientist for the Institute of Major Time Errors, it’s your job to correct the mysterious Time Splits appearing in history and to find who (or what!) is causing them. Will you help fix the Time Splits and save history using your coding superpowers? Will you find out the truth about who, or what, is causing these crazy changes in history? Players need to travel to exciting moments in world history, code the Time Agent to fix the time splits, and use the clues to identify the culprit of who or what is causing the time splits!

Minecraft Hour of Code 2020: Inclusion

For centuries, the Villagers and Illagers shared the same space but seldom interacted with each other. Now, you can use the power of code to bring the two villages together. Players experience empathy and compassion for their neighbors, learn cooperation and inclusion, and embrace the diversity that makes us all uniquely special.

Reflection task

Take some time and consider these questions:

  • Why do you think computer science is important for students?
  • Do you have any prior coding or programming experience?
  • Have you ever participated in an Hour of Code experience before?
  • Do you think students will enjoy this year's Hour of Code experience? Why or why not?