The value of inking in flipped lessons


Digital inking is thinking. Students seeing you write on the slide during recorded lessons adds interest, keeps them engaged, and allows for you to model solving equations, labeling a diagram, or analyzing a piece of writing. Students watching you talk through the mental process of a task retain more. Using the inking capabilities in PowerPoint Recorder allows you to demonstrate a skill step by step or annotate important concepts on the page.

To use the inking functions in PowerPoint Recorder, select an ink color at the bottom of the screen and begin writing. Select the highlighter pen to highlight and the eraser to delete inking.

One item that you can easily annotate is a screenshot of a page or a website that you want to explain to students. Simply take a screenshot and then record your instructions with annotations.

Professional journal

Continue working on your flipped lesson using PowerPoint Recorder. Try to use inking in your lesson where appropriate. Where do you see inking as useful in a PowerPoint recording with your own teaching materials? When might inking be beneficial while students use PowerPoint Recorder?