Importance of modernizing public sector SOCs


Cyberattacks against public sector organizations increased by 40% in 2023. Increases in cyberattacks occur when:

  • Operations run legacy systems
  • Systems are disjointed
  • There are gaps in security talent
  • Approaches to cybersecurity don’t evolve to keep up with today’s sophistication of cyberattacks

Modernizing a security operations center (SOC) is worth investing time, budget, and resources to increase an organization's strength against cyberattacks. A modern SOC helps public sector organizations address an ever evolving threat landscape by providing a comprehensive, 360-degree view of the digital security stance.

This comprehensive view helps organizations:

  • Detect threats
  • Prevent breaches
  • Respond to security incidents quickly

Without a clear, broad view of incoming security data streams, public sector organizations can have blind spots or gaps that make them more vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. Modern SOCs have the ability to bring together and easily analyze security data that’s constantly streaming from various environments and sources and organize this data into a single dashboard. Having this visibility helps teams have a comprehensive understanding of the security of their digital landscape.

The following video featuring Alvaro Vitta, Microsoft’s Global Cybersecurity Lead for Public Sector, further explains the importance of modernizing a security operations center and how important a comprehensive view of data streams is.

As mentioned in the previous unit, cyberattacks on public sector organizations can have damaging consequences. A modern SOC helps minimize the possibility of breaches and increases an agency’s ability to respond to security incidents quickly.