

Frequently, an organization’s best applications are a result of or built by the people who use them daily. The reason is because they can directly perceive what’s necessary for improving their productivity and then determine how the application should function.

For example, a technician who’s working in the field might have an idea for a part-ordering app. This app would simplify the process of finding out if the part that they need is available in inventory and, if not, provide them with an interface for ordering that part. As another example, a human resources (HR) employee might identify a need for a new employee onboarding application that guides new employees through the onboarding process. This app could help ensure that new employees complete tasks, such as filling out necessary forms, and ensure that they have access to the tools and resources that they need.

Because these employees have an idea for what the app should do, they also have an idea for how it should work.

With Microsoft Power Platform, these individuals are empowered to create applications and other solutions that fit their needs. For example, by using Microsoft Power Apps, the previously mentioned HR employee can build a prototype of how they want the onboarding app to appear and how users would move through the app. They might also identify other ways of streamlining daily activities by identifying areas where they could automate daily tasks or functions.

In the Microsoft Power Platform world, these individuals are referred to as makers. While building and maintaining complex solutions isn't their primary job function, their detailed understanding of their role and its requirements makes them excellent resources for potentially building basic apps. Furthermore, others in the organization, such as developers, could enhance these basic apps if more advanced functionality is required.

This module introduces the core Microsoft Power Platform functionality that you should be aware of as a maker. Additionally, it provides scenarios on where you might use each element.

This module explains the following concepts:

  • How to identify which Microsoft Power Platform component to use based on a specific scenario.

  • How to determine what type of app you should create based on need.

  • Dataverse and directions around when and how to use it.

  • Environments and how makers use them.

  • Copilot and why it matters to you as a maker.