Exercise - Create native functions


Large Language Models excel at understanding language, classifying text, and performing sentiment analysis. Their contextual understanding enables large language models (LLM) to generate relevant text for various tasks. However, they don't yet have the ability to retrieve information from the internet or external sources. Using native functions, you can run code to perform operations, or retrieve information from external sources and pass it to the LLM to generate text.

For this exercise, you create a native function that simulates adding a song to a user's "Recently Played" list. Let's get started!

Prepare your development environment

For these exercises, a starter project is available for you to use. Use the following steps to set up the starter project:


You must have .NET Framework 8.0 installed and a Github account to complete these steps.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. Under the Visual Studio Code Start section, select Clone Git Repository.

  3. In the URL bar, enter https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/MSLearn-Develop-AI-Agents-with-Azure-OpenAI-and-Semantic-Kernel-SDK.git

  4. In the File Explorer, create a new folder in a location that is easy to find and remember, such as a folder in your Desktop.

  5. Click the Select as Repository Destination button.

    You need to be signed in to GitHub to successfully clone the project.

  6. Open the project in Visual Studio Code.

  7. In Explorer, right-click the M03-give-your-ai-agent-skills/M03-Project folder and click Open in Integrated Terminal.

  8. Expand the M03-give-your-ai-agent-skills/M03-Project folder.

    You should see a "Program.cs" file.

  9. Open the Program.cs file and update the following variables with your Azure Open AI Services deployment name, API key, endpoint.

    string yourDeploymentName = "";
    string yourEndpoint = "";
    string yourKey = "";

Now you're ready to begin the exercise. Good luck!

Create a music library plugin

  1. Create a new folder in the 'Project' directory and name it 'Plugins.'

  2. In the 'Plugins' folder, create a new file 'MusicLibrary.cs'

    First, create some quick functions to get and add songs to the user's "Recently Played" list.

  3. Enter the following code:

    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Text.Json;
    using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
    using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
    public class MusicLibraryPlugin
        Description("Get a list of music recently played by the user")]
        public static string GetRecentPlays()
            string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string content = File.ReadAllText($"{dir}/recentlyplayed.txt");
            return content;

    In this code, you use the KernelFunction decorator to declare your native function. You also use the Description decorator to add a description of what the function does. For now, you can assume that the user's list of recent plays is stored in a text file called 'recentlyplayed.txt'. Next, you can add code to add a song to the list.

  4. Add the following code to your MusicLibraryPlugin class:

    [KernelFunction, Description("Add a song to the recently played list")]
    public static string AddToRecentlyPlayed(
        [Description("The name of the artist")] string artist, 
        [Description("The title of the song")] string song, 
        [Description("The song genre")] string genre)
        // Read the existing content from the file
        string filePath = "recentlyplayed.txt";
        string jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
        var recentlyPlayed = (JsonArray) JsonNode.Parse(jsonContent);
        var newSong = new JsonObject
            ["title"] = song,
            ["artist"] = artist,
            ["genre"] = genre
        recentlyPlayed.Insert(0, newSong);
                new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }));
        return $"Added '{song}' to recently played";

    In this code, you create a function accepts the artist, song, and genre as strings. In addition to the Description of the function, you also add descriptions of the input variables. This code reads the existing content from the file, parses it, and adds the new song to the list. Afterwards, the updated list is written back to the file. Next you'll create the 'recentlyplayed.txt' file with some sample data.

  5. Create a new file 'recentlyplayed.txt' in the 'M03-Project' folder, then paste the following content:

            "title": "Loanh Quanh",
            "artist": "Ly Hoa",
            "genre": "indie, folk"
            "title": "Kalam Eineh",
            "artist": "Yasemin",
            "genre": "pop, Egyptian pop"
            "title": "I Miss You",
            "artist": "Chishin",
            "genre": "hiphop, rap"
            "title": "4EVER",
            "artist": "Gaby",
            "genre": "alternative, indie"

    For simplicity, this file should be in the same directory as your 'Program.cs' file. Next, let's import and invoke your new plugin!

  6. Update your 'Program.cs' file with the following code:

    var kernel = builder.Build();
    var result = await kernel.InvokeAsync(
        new() {
            ["artist"] = "Tiara", 
            ["song"] = "Danse", 
            ["genre"] = "French pop, electropop, pop"

    In this code, you import the MusicLibraryPlugin to the kernel using ImportPluginFromType. Then you call InvokeAsync with the plugin name and function name that you want to call. You also pass in the artist, song, and genre as arguments.

  7. Run the code by entering dotnet run in the terminal.

    You should see the following output:

    Added 'Danse' to recently played

    If you open up 'recentlyplayed.txt,' you should see the new song added to the list.


Be sure not to delete any of the code you've written so far, you'll need it for the next exercise.