Summary and resources


In this module, you learned about different storage scenarios and how to provide storage for each of them.

  • The first scenario was providing storage for the IT department's testing and training. For this scenario, you learned how to create a storage account and configure basic settings for security and networking.
  • The second scenario was providing storage for the public website. You learned how to create a storage account with anonymous public access, create a blob storage container, and enable soft delete and versioning.
  • The third scenario was providing private storage for internal company documents. You learned how to create a storage container with restricted access and configure a shared access signature for partners. You also learned how to back up the public website storage and implement lifecycle management to move content to the cool tier.
  • The fourth scenario provided shared file storage for the company offices and storage for a new company app.

Key takeaways

Here are the main takeaways for the module.

  • Azure provides different types of storage accounts.
  • Each type of storage account has its own use cases and benefits.
  • Storage account security includes access keys, managed identities, role-based access control, and encryption.

Learn more with Azure documentation

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