Introduction to scenario templates


The Azure Health Bot service offers personalized access to health-related information and interactions through a natural conversation experience. It supports several built-in scenarios, although partners can extend the functionality of the bot by authoring custom scenarios.

What is a scenario?

Scenarios are conversational flows that are programmed into the bot. Typically, when the bot triggers a scenario, the user completes a series of questions and answers until the scenario is complete.

There are two types of scenarios: built-in and custom. Built-in scenarios enable important functionality, like:

  • Showing a help menu or presenting the terms of service to users.
  • Performing tasks such as triage, checking symptoms, or answering questions about medical conditions and types of drugs.

Custom scenarios extend the functionality of the Health Bot service. They can integrate with external data sources to create engaging experiences for users.

What is a scenario template?

Scenario templates are prebuilt custom scenarios that provide examples for popular healthcare use cases. They enable you to quickly build your own custom scenarios.

When you import a template into your Health Bot instance, it automatically creates the assets required for that scenario. Assets might include languages models, localized strings, data connections, and resources.

After the import, you have access to all the scenario's elements. You can easily customize and extend any part of the scenario and import multiple templates to enrich the capabilities of your bot. Templates also help you learn how to build Health Bot scenarios, because you can easily review the scenario logic to understand how it was built.

In the Scenario Template Catalog, you can see a preview and a description for all of the available scenario templates.

Screenshot that shows an example template selected from the catalog.