

In this module, you learned about the following concepts that allow you to be a better-equipped developer to create data integration solutions:

  • Data entities are used to access your finance and operations apps data from a third-party application. Many data entities are available out of the box with the application, but you can also create your own data entity.
  • Programs such as Power Apps and Excel are used to view and/or manipulate entity data. Even though Power Apps and Excel are Microsoft products, they are considered third party because they are outside of finance and operations apps.
  • You can consume external web services in finance and operations apps.
  • Custom services are used in finance and operations apps to expose X++ functionality to external clients.
  • The public OData service endpoint enables access to data consistently across a wide range of clients.
  • EDI solutions that are available through AppSource enable you to connect your data with your partners in an efficient manner.
  • When you need to troubleshoot service authentication issues, you can inspect JWTs.