What is Cloud for Everyone?


Why build a cloud to serve everyone?

Our perspective guides us to harness the diverse attributes and needs of our customers to shape new experiences for businesses and individuals alike. The core tenets that guide us ensure:

  • Design and development of products and services that minimize the level of ability required for usage.

  • We provide the best possible coverage for the population, seeking to close the gaps between aspirations and access.

  • We represent every person and community that could benefit from our cloud technologies.

You might have heard some of these themes before. It's easy to declare support for good ideas and intentions, but there's a difference between intentions and actions, and between intent and results. Microsoft is committed to the power of technology and to the boundless possibilities that are enabled by the cloud. And perhaps most importantly, we're aligned to action. We're committed to converting our intentions and ideas into tangible actions with long-lasting, positive impacts.

Here are just a few of the many ways that we're committed to helping our customers. First, it's vital that communities and individuals have the skills and knowledge to enable ongoing success of cloud technologies as businesses grow and change. Education is key and removing barriers to information access empowers our customers.

Next, partnering to understand your business and its goals helps us to keep learning and improving our technology. At the same time, we can help guide and advise how cloud technologies can enable and support your journey. Finally, it's important to understand and address the barriers that prevent achieving success. Ensuring that access and use of cloud environments is available to every person is vital for everyone's advancement.

We're on a journey that requires a long-term approach combined with hard work. We welcome this commitment with a growth mindset, where even the most significant challenges aren't impossible to solve; they just haven't been solved yet. This belief will be a core aspect of how Microsoft embraces this commitment. Providing access to the might of cloud technology will never be "done." Still, with time and permission to explore, learn, adapt, improve, and evolve, we see the possibility of amazing results ahead.

Imagining what's possible with the power of cloud technology inspires us. There are infinite, diverse, and surprising innovations and ideas that technology can power when it's in the hands of each individual. We can't wait to see the inspirations, ideas, and impact for all concerned.