Set up cross-tenant management


You learned how Azure Lighthouse streamlines the onboarding of Contoso's new customers. Beyond onboarding, Azure Lighthouse improves the way that Contoso manages Azure resources for its customers. Let's start by exploring how both Contoso and its customers have visibility into the Azure delegated resource management that was deployed.

View your customers

Staff from the service provider can list and manage customers with a current service offer, in the Azure portal of their own Azure subscription. On the My Customers page of Azure Lighthouse, they can display the customer's subscriptions, offers, and delegated access, as provided in the Azure Resource Manager templates.

Screenshot of the service provider view of customers in Azure Lighthouse.

View your service providers

Customers who accepted a service offer through the Azure Marketplace or by deploying an Azure Resource Manager template from their service provider, can view their accepted offer details via the Service Providers/Delegations page of Azure Lighthouse.

Screenshot of the customer view of Service Providers in Azure Lighthouse.

Audit service provider activities

The security and compliance of an Azure environment is the responsibility of the subscription owner, even if they outsource management tasks to a service provider. Beyond the contracted legal requirements of the service offer between the customer and the service provider, the customer might want visibility into what actions the service provider took inside their Azure environment.

With Azure delegated resource access, even when the service provider executes tasks with credentials from their own Azure environment, those actions are still carried out by Azure Resource Manager inside the customer's subscription. It means that those actions are recorded in the customer's Activity log, visible to the customer, and able to be monitored and alerted on if necessary.