Examine the Agency lesson


Within the Agency lesson, learners are introduced to key programming concepts.  

  • For each activity, learners put commands together for the Agent to complete. In doing this, they create an algorithm. An algorithm contains a detailed set of instructions or formulas for solving a problem or completing a task.
  • To write the algorithm that solves a problem or completes a task, learners use pattern recognition by finding similarities or patterns that help them solve larger problems.
  • Additionally, for an algorithm to work, it must be in a specific order. Those step-by-step instructions that are executed in a specific order are known as sequencing.

Infographic with definitions from the unit of algorithm, pattern recognition, and sequencing.

The teaching materials for the Agency lesson provide educators with everything they need to prepare the lesson for learners. The teaching materials are located under the External Reference tab on every lesson plan page. Under the External Reference tab, there's one PDF file that includes the unit overview, educator guide, and formative assessment. Also under the External Reference tab is a link to the PowerPoint presentation for presenting the lesson and the world file. Prepare to use the lesson with learners by reviewing these materials.

  1. Go to the Unit 1: The Agency lesson plan page.
  2. Review the Educator Guide for Computing with Minecraft 1: The Agency. Note the different sections:
    • The overview with the unit summary, the list of lessons, and the learning goals.
    • The required educator preparation.
    • The detailed lesson plan with multiple components.
    • Unit extensions.
  3. Review the formative assessment.
  4. Review the PowerPoint presentation for the Agency lesson.
  5. Review the summative assessment for the unit.
  6. Review the video to reflect on the teaching materials.