Build a customer rewards extension


This module provides an intuitive overview of how to build an extension by using an example. In the example, you'll build an extension called the customer rewards extension.

The business case is as follows.

In Business Central, you can work with customers, who are the source of your income in Business Central. You want to keep track of the number of sales orders that customers have. For this reason, you'll develop an extension that lets customers accrue reward points for each sales order. Depending on the reward points that a customer has accrued, the customer will be assigned a reward level. The extension will enable you to set up any number of reward levels and the minimum number of reward points that are required to attain that level.

When the extension is installed, customers will start to accrue one reward point for each sales order. When no reward levels are set up, the customer's reward level is set to NONE, even though the customer might have reward points.

To begin using the extension, the user must accept the extension terms and activate the extension by entering a valid activation code by using an Assisted Setup wizard. Following all the steps of this exercise will allow you to publish the extension on your tenant and create a possible new feature for your customers.

In the following modules of this learning path, you'll be developing the different objects that are needed to create the customer rewards extension.