When to use Azure AI Studio


Azure AI Studio provides everything developers and data scientists need to develop custom copilots and cutting-edge, market-ready, responsible generative AI applications. It is the go-to platform when you need to:

  • Create and manage AI projects: Azure AI Studio provides a centralized hub for all your AI projects, allowing you to manage resources, collaborate with team members, and streamline your workflow.
  • Develop generative AI applications: If your goal is to develop applications that can generate content or build your own prompt flow, Azure AI Studio's generative AI capabilities are essential.
  • Explore available AI models: Experiment with various AI models from OpenAI, Microsoft, Hugging Face, and more in Azure AI Studio's model catalog.
  • Leverage Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): For projects that require combining the power of retrieval and generation, Azure AI Studio's RAG features enhances the quality and relevance of the generated content.
  • Monitor and evaluate AI models: Azure AI Studio provides robust tools for the evaluation and monitoring of your prompt flows and AI models, ensuring that they meet the desired performance metrics.
  • Integrate with Azure services: When your AI applications need to work seamlessly with other Azure services, Azure AI Studio offers easy integration, making it a versatile choice for complex, multi-faceted projects.
  • Build responsibly: Azure AI Studio emphasizes the responsible use of AI, providing guidance and tools to ensure that your applications adhere to ethical standards and best practices.

Azure AI Studio is ideal for scenarios where you need a powerful, integrated environment to develop, deploy, and manage AI applications. Whether you're extending existing AI solutions or building new ones from scratch, Azure AI Studio provides the necessary tools and resources to bring your AI projects to life.