Understand the real-world implications


So how do these technologies affect the world around us? There are numerous scenarios unlocked by the possibilities of space and the power of the cloud. The following sections present several example scenarios and their respective potential outcomes.

Enterprise scenarios

First example: Reporting

  • Scenario: I run a multinational agricultural company, and I need more accurate reporting of yields and shortages.
  • Outcome: Earth-observation sensors enable object detection and classification, allowing for monitoring of changes over time and precision reports on crop health.

Second example: Connectivity

  • Scenario: I manage a first-responder network that takes personnel to both remote rural areas and highly connected, dense cities. I need consistent connectivity in both.
  • Outcome: Space connectivity enables an ultra-reliable network across vastly different locales with less dependence on fiber pathways that can fail. First responders can access communications on any device in any environment, saving critical time.

Operator scenarios

First example: Optimization

  • Scenario: I'm a SATCOM operator, and I'd like to virtualize my ground segment, lower costs, and expand my business through cloud.
  • Outcome: Operators can use co-location services, access networking services, and use a platform for virtualization.

Second example: Infrastructure savings

  • Scenario: I'd like to operate my satellite, downlink data, and process data without investing, building, and maintaining my own ground station antenna and datacenter.
  • Outcome: Operators can operate satellites, downlink data, transfer data to Azure cloud using Azure networking, process data to produce imagery, and use Azure AI/ML and analytics services to gain further insight from earth observation data.

In the next unit, you'll review what you've learned in this module.