Promote fun


The days leading up to and entering into a remote learning environment are topsy-turvy. Levity will be your friend. Find ways throughout the week to include an element of fun in the day. Add a "Just for Fun" channel to your Team so that you have a dedicated space for the fun activities you bring to your remote learning classroom. Have a funny meme challenge where students post a funny (and appropriate) meme to the Posts tab. Ask students to share a picture of their family pet (or their favorite stuffed animal for those who don't have a pet). A joke contest, a virtual talent show, a nature appreciation challenge, or a virtual art gallery. Simply imagine what you feel would bring a smile to your students' faces and put it into action.

Students can also benefit from this designated channel by having a space where they can connect with their classmates and socialize in the same ways they would in a traditional classroom. Designating the "Just for Fun" channel as the place for your students to socialize will give them a space to connect without causing clutter on the general channel. (You can also create a channel called "Questions" where students can ask and answer questions that may not relate to a specific lesson.)

We, of course, hope that our students will recall the material we covered so they have a solid foundation to move on to the next grade or course. More importantly, however, when this moment in history is over and we're able to return to our physical schools, let us hope that our students remember our resilience, our hope, and our humanity.