Leadership moves


These key leadership moves promote blended learning.

Lead staff in the creation of a shared blended learning vision

  • First, share with staff that they'll work collaboratively to create a shared vision for blended learning.
  • Next, show the Leadership Moves: The Power of Blended Learning video. Discuss current blended learning practices and current platforms, like Microsoft Teams. Address questions that come up after considering the video.
  • Then, collaboratively with staff, develop an eight- to twelve-word statement, series of bullets, or brief narrative that reflects what students, as products of your collective educational system, will be able to do as a result of your thoughtfully crafted blended learning environment.
    • Example: Our blended learning environment provides students with the requisite tools and skills to collaborate across diverse groups, communicate effectively, and think critically both inside and outside of the educational environment.
  • When creating your vision, keep in mind that the process is iterative and that the vision should evolve over time to reflect the needs of students and the community.
  • Plan to revisit your vision every few years to determine it's still relevant. Your organization's vision for blended learning serves as a lens through which all blended learning decisions should be considered.

Model blended learning and providing just-in-time resources

Model blended learning best practices for your staff by engaging them in learning both online and in person. Leveraging Microsoft Teams as the tool to house resources pertinent to blended learning serves staff at all stages of the blended learning journey. In Microsoft Teams, staff locates resources you provide including articles, web links, blog posts, and videos curated from the internet. Staff then engage in discussions in the chat, post, and respond thoughtfully, and strategize via video in real time to move blended learning forward in your organization. You encourage staff to add resources they discover as they research and share, empowering them to contribute to the learning.

Assess your organization's current blended learning environment and determining future needs

Engage your instructional technology infrastructure team early in your planning. Building and sustaining this relationship saves time, money, and stress. To start, include them in crafting the blended learning vision they're responsible for supporting. Ask them what is possible given the current state of the infrastructure and ask for their suggestions on what is needed moving towards the blended learning environment envisioned in the blended learning vision.

Meet on a monthly or quarterly basis with the instructional technology infrastructure team in person or via video in Microsoft Teams to reduce surprises for them and you. Invite them to engage in Microsoft Teams with your staff so that they're part of the blended learning journey. Encourage them to share resources, as their resources may include learnings you and your teaching staff aren't aware of.

Photograph of five school leaders speaking and collaborating with instructional technology infrastructure team.

Develop and promote leaders from within

Use Microsoft Teams as a window into staff interactions. You'll see natural leaders emerge as staff share and discuss blended learning models and the questions that arise. Staff leadership is about increasing opportunities for staff to practice leadership skills in a safe environment. When engaging with staff, look for opportunities to elevate their voices to inform and develop blended learning policies and practices. Meet with prospective staff leaders to expand efforts that drive systemic blended learning improvements to increase student agency and learning. Model blended learning before and during this meeting by leveraging Microsoft Teams to offer virtual attendance options, and provide resources in the files section in advance.

Illustration showing people in a video meeting.