Load fact tables


Typically, a regular data warehouse load operation loads fact tables after dimension tables. This approach ensures that the dimensions to which the facts will be related are already present in the data warehouse.

The staged fact data usually includes the business (alternate) keys for the related dimensions, so your logic to load the data must look up the corresponding surrogate keys. When the data warehouse slowly changing dimensions, the appropriate version of the dimension record must be identified to ensure the correct surrogate key is used to match the event recorded in the fact table with the state of the dimension at the time the fact occurred.

In many cases, you can retrieve the latest "current" version of the dimension; but in some cases you might need to find the right dimension record based on DateTime columns that indicate the period of validity for each version of the dimension.

The following example assumes that the dimension records have an incrementing surrogate key, and that the most recently added version of a specific dimension instance (which will have the highest key value) should be used.

INSERT INTO dbo.FactSales
         FROM dbo.DimDate
         WHERE FullDateAlternateKey = stg.OrderDate) AS OrderDateKey,
        (SELECT MAX(CustomerKey)
         FROM dbo.DimCustomer
         WHERE CustomerAlternateKey = stg.CustNo) AS CustomerKey,
        (SELECT MAX(ProductKey)
         FROM dbo.DimProduct
         WHERE ProductAlternateKey = stg.ProductID) AS ProductKey,
        (SELECT MAX(StoreKey)
         FROM dbo.DimStore
         WHERE StoreAlternateKey = stg.StoreID) AS StoreKey,
FROM dbo.StageSales AS stg