Identify content to protect


The Microsoft 365 data classification solution is a great place to start understanding what sensitive information might need to be protected.

Content explorer identifies the email and documents in your organization that contain sensitive information. The image shows a list of all the sensitive information content explorer identified in SharePoint, OneDrive, and Exchange. Content explorer uses the built-in sensitive info types included in Microsoft Purview and any custom sensitive info types you define to identify the content. If only using built-in sensitive info types, no configuration is needed to allow you to understand the data you might want to protect.

The highlighted items are the three sensitive information types that informed the creation of the U.K. Financial Data DLP policy we'll be using in our examples.

Screenshot shows the data classification window, with credit card number, SWIFT code, and EU debit card number highlighted.

The data classification overview and content explorer tabs give you visibility into what content has been discovered and labeled, and where that content is. Activity explorer rounds out this suite of functionality by allowing you to monitor what's being done with your labeled content. Activity explorer provides a historical view of activities on your labeled content. The activity information is collected from the Microsoft 365 unified audit logs, transformed, and made available in the Activity explorer UI. Activity explorer reports on up to 30 days worth of data. The Activity Explorer can also be found under the Data Loss Prevention tab.

Screenshot shows the activity explorer window, with a bar chart that maps the activities during a set time period.

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