Train employees to use Viva Topics


Employee adoption for new technology is a key driver of implementation and total cost of Viva Topics ownership, including Viva Topics training for all new users.

Consider brainstorming sessions to reward champions and help unmotivated users get onboard. Different roles might be more involved in different phases of the project. Tenant administrators are involved in setting up Viva Topics. SMEs and champions don't get involved until you start defining topics to help solve these challenges:

  • Increase awareness and affinity, skills development, growth, and reward 
  • Provide proactive awareness efforts
  • Personalize learning when and where users need it
  • Offer diverse learning modalities
  • Update content with Viva Topics technology 
Role Training opportunities
Topic viewers These users can view topics highlighted in their SharePoint modern site, Microsoft Search through SharePoint and and the Topic center. They won't need Viva Topics IT skills training, but they need to know the benefits of adopting Viva Topics. They can watch the Topics overview video to understand Viva.
Topic contributors They need to learn how to edit and create topics. They also need to know how to curate a topic page to ensure quality manually. They can review necessary sections in the Viva Topics library, including Microsoft Viva Topics discovery and curation.
Knowledge managers They need to learn how to manage topics through the Manage Topics page in Topic center, only visible to them. They need to know how to edit an existing topic or create a new topic. They can review necessary sections in the Microsoft library*, starting with the Introduction to Microsoft Viva Topics. They can also complete the training in Knowledge management of Viva Topics. Manage topics in the topic center.
Knowledge admins These new users need to learn how to set up and configure Viva Topics and manage settings after completing it. They can review Viva Topics library, including Plan for Microsoft Viva Topics. They also need to complete this Learn module.

About Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn is the home for Microsoft documentation and learning for developers and technology professionals to explore guides and articles by product. Microsoft Learn training helps admins explore a topic in-depth through guided paths or learn how to accomplish a specific task through individual modules.