Create a service principal that uses client secret credentials


Now you create another app registration, but this time specifies a client secret credential. Unlike a certificate credential, the directory has the ability to generate a client secret credential. Instead of specifying the client secret, you use the -GenerateClientSecret switch to request it generated. Substitute your own values for the following placeholders:





The name of the privileged endpoint virtual machine on your Azure Stack Hub instance.



A descriptive name for the new app registration.

My management tool

  1. Open an elevated Windows PowerShell session, and run the following cmdlets:
# Sign in to PowerShell interactively, using credentials that have access to the virtual machine running the Privileged Endpoint (typically <domain>\cloudadmin)
$Creds = Get-Credential

# Create a PSSession to the Privileged Endpoint virtual machine
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName "<PepVM>" -ConfigurationName PrivilegedEndpoint -Credential $Creds

# Use the privileged endpoint to create the new app registration (and service principal object)
$SpObject = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {New-GraphApplication -Name "<YourAppName>" -GenerateClientSecret}
$AzureStackInfo = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Get-AzureStackStampInformation}
$Session | Remove-PSSession

# Using the stamp info for your Azure Stack Hub instance, populate the following variables:
# - Az endpoint used for Azure Resource Manager operations 
# - Audience for acquiring an OAuth token used to access Graph API. 
# - GUID of the directory tenant
$ArmEndpoint = $AzureStackInfo.TenantExternalEndpoints.TenantResourceManager
$GraphAudience = "https://graph." + $AzureStackInfo.ExternalDomainFQDN + "/"
$TenantID = $AzureStackInfo.AADTenantID

# Register and set an Az environment that targets your Azure Stack Hub instance.
Add-AzEnvironment -Name "AzureStackUser" -ArmEndpoint $ArmEndpoint

# Sign in using the new service principal
$securePassword = $SpObject.ClientSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $SpObject.ClientId, $securePassword
$SpSignin = Connect-AzAccount -Environment "AzureStackUser" -ServicePrincipal -Credential $credential -TenantId $TenantID

# Output the service principal details

  1. After the script finishes, it displays the app registration info, including the service principal's credentials. The ClientID and ClientSecret are authenticated, and later authorized for access to resources managed by Azure Resource Manager.
ApplicationIdentifier : S-1-5-21-1634563105-1224503876-2692824315-2623
ClientId              : 8e0ffd12-26c8-4178-a74b-f26bd28db601
Thumbprint            : 
ApplicationName       : Azurestack-YourApp-6967581b-497e-4f5a-87b5-0c8d01a9f146
ClientSecret          : 6RUWLRoBw3EebBLgaWGiowCkoko5_j_ujIPjA8dS
PSComputerName        : azs-ercs01
RunspaceId            : 286daaa1-c9a6-4176-a1a8-03f543f90998