Configure agent pools and understand pipeline styles


Estimated time: 45 minutes.


YAML-based pipelines allow you to fully implement CI/CD as code, in which pipeline definitions reside in the same repository as the code that is part of your Azure DevOps project. YAML-based pipelines support a wide range of features that are part of the classic pipelines, such as pull requests, code reviews, history, branching, and templates.

Regardless of the choice of the pipeline style, to build your code or deploy your solution by using Azure Pipelines, you need an agent. An agent hosts compute resources that run one job at a time. Jobs can be run directly on the host machine of the agent or in a container. You have an option to run your jobs using Microsoft-hosted agents, which are managed for you, or implementing a self-hosted agent that you set up and manage on your own.

In this lab, you will learn how to implement and use self-hosted agents with YAML pipelines.


After completing this lab, you'll be able to:

  • Implement YAML-based pipelines.
  • Implement self-hosted agents.



During this lab, you'll complete the following exercises:

  • Exercise 0: Configure the lab prerequisites.
  • Exercise 1: Author YAML-based Azure Pipelines.
  • Exercise 2: Manage Azure DevOps agent pools.

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