Centralized product data management


In Engineering Change Management, you can confine the changes that you've made to your engineering products within a legal entity. You can set up an organization that uses a managed release process to ensure that accurate and relevant product data is viewable to users across the enterprise. In Engineering Change Management, this organization is known as an engineering company or engineering organization. You can create and use engineering companies to act as an entry point to operational companies. They're mapped to a legal entity and are used to create and maintain master data for products. To create an engineering company, go to Engineering change management > Setup > Engineering organizations. Select New, and then enter the name for the engineering company and associate it with an existing legal entity.

Screenshot of the New button to create a new engineering company.

Your engineering company can house and process various engineering data. For instance, engineering companies can manage the creation of engineering products. However, they're only able to create new engineering products that are related to an engineering product category that it owns. Furthermore, you can create versions of engineering products. Creating a new engineering product in a company will trigger the system to automatically create an initial engineering version for it.

Only the company that owns the product category can make new versions of it. Think of your engineering company as a place to iterate through versions of a formula for a product before ultimately releasing a version that you're satisfied with. When you create a new product in a company, the system will automatically add engineering attributes to it. Only the engineering company that owns the product can add or maintain these attribute values. The engineering company that owns a product can directly connect a BOM or formula to that engineering product. If these formulas are released to other legal entities, the changes to the engineering data on the formulas are restricted. For more information, see Engineering companies and data ownership rules - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn .

An engineering company can attach engineering documents to each engineering version of a product. When the documents are released to other legal entities, the operational company can't remove them, but they do own local documents that other legal entities are able to add.