Transfer a fixed asset


Typically, someone in an accountant role transfers the financial information for a fixed asset book from one financial dimension set to a new financial dimension set. If you need to complete the transfer, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets.

  2. In the list, find and select the fixed asset to transfer.

  3. On the Action Pane, select Fixed asset.

  4. Select Transfer fixed assets.

  5. In the Transfer date field, enter a date.

  6. Enter comments to describe the transfer. This list shows all books for the fixed assets.

  7. Select the books that you want to transfer to a new financial dimension set.

    • This list shows the existing financial dimension values for the selected book.

    • Select the financial dimension that you want to update for the selected fixed asset book.

  8. In the Financial dimension field, select the dropdown to open the lookup.

    • Set other financial dimension values as appropriate.

    • All financial dimension values change when a transfer occurs, whether you enter a value or leave it blank. For example, consider a scenario where you enter a value for the BusinessUnit and leave the CostCenter and Department financial dimensions blank. If your account structure allows blank values for CostCenter and Department, the transfer results in each book having the new value for BusinessUnit and a blank value for CostCenter and Department.

  9. Select Update.

    • Preview the changes before finalizing the transfer.

    • Review results before transferring the fixed asset books.

  10. Select Transfer.

  11. Go to Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets, select the file to transfer, and then select Fixed asset > Transfer fixed assets.

    Screenshot of the Transfer fixed assets option.