

In this module, you learned how to retrieve data from the database and how to use the Get function to retrieve a record by its primary key.

Use the functions FindFirst and FindLast instead of Find('-') and Find('+') for performance reasons. If you only want to check whether a record exists or not, you can use the IsEmpty function.

To retrieve a dataset, use the FindSet function. You can use a repeat until statement to loop over the records. Therefore, you need the Next statement to complete the task.

You learned how to sort with the SetCurrentKey function and filter with the SetRange and SetFilter functions. The SetRange function can be used to filter with a start and an end value, while the SetFilter can be used to search with the >, <, & and | signs.

If you don't specify a start value for the SetRange, you remove the filter on that field.

To manipulate data, you can use the Insert, Modify, ModifyAll, Delete, and DeleteAll statements. Before you insert data, you should use the Init function to initialize all default values. These statements by default don't run the triggers that are defined in the table. You need to specify the RunTrigger parameter and then set it to true. A Modify or a Delete action happens without warning.

Additionally, you discovered important field functions. By default, FlowFields aren't calculated in code; you need to use the CalcFields function on FlowFields.

The OnValidate trigger isn't run when you assign a value to a field, but you can use the Validate function to run the OnValidate trigger or use the Validate function to assign and run in one statement.