Evangelize Microsoft Search within your organization


Now that you’ve optimized and deployed Microsoft Search, the next step is to let your users know about it. To help make this process easier, we've created an adoption kit, which provides content and training you can share with people in your organization. Additionally, the following actions and tips can help you develop your own evangelization plan, drive training initiatives, and educate your users.

Action 1: Get the adoption kit

Download the Microsoft Search in Bing adoption kit, https://aka.ms/SearchAdoptionKit. It includes short, visual PDFs about Microsoft Search features and benefits plus a PowerPoint deck for user training.

Action 2: Create a SharePoint communications site

For organizations using modern SharePoint, a communications site works well as a destination for sharing information about how to use Microsoft Search. We suggest creating a bookmark answer for your site so it’s easier for users to find.

For tips on creating your own site, see SharePoint Communication Sites: How to build a site in under 10 minutes.

Action 3: Share kit materials

Tell people in your organization about how to use Microsoft Search and what they can find, including people, files, and answers. We encourage you to share these communications with your users in SharePoint, Teams, Viva Engage, or your organization’s other communication channels.

Action 4: Send a launch email to users

We suggest you announce the availability of Microsoft Search with a launch email. Share some sample queries demonstrating how to find people, files, and more. We also recommend linking to an internal site or channel with more information about work or school search.

Action 5: Schedule or record a Microsoft Search training session

The adoption kit includes a PowerPoint presentation you can customize for user training sessions. We also recommend working with your HR team or school administrators to add information about Microsoft Search to your new employee or student orientation.

Action 6: Enlist executive sponsors and champions

Change in any organization is more successful with help from the inside. Getting support is important for the initial rollout and long-term user adoption.

  • Champions can help evangelize this new way of searching and train people, which builds awareness and increases engagement. Learn about the Microsoft 365 Champion program.
  • Recruit an executive sponsor to help you drive adoption by creating buzz, reinforcing the value of Microsoft Search, and setting end-user expectations. Ensure they can dedicate blocks of time throughout the adoption program.

Action 7: Request feedback from your users

Ask for feedback from your users through your organization's feedback channels.