

Real-time analytics allows organizations to make confident decisions based on up-to-date data. These organizations can expect to be agile and take meaningful actions based on the most current insights. Common scenarios for real-time analytics include Internet of Things (IoT) devices, factory sensors, e-commerce, inventory management, geo-tracking, financial trading, application telemetry, call centers, and others.

What’s meant by real-time is that the data is always current, and users aren’t required to interact with visualizations. Data visualizations should refresh automatically to always show current data.


In this module, the term real-time actually means near real-time. Near real-time means that there’s always a degree of delay (known as latency), due to data processing and network transmission time.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe Power BI real-time analytics.
  • Set up automatic page refresh.
  • Create real-time dashboards.
  • Set up auto-refresh paginated reports.