Exercise - Create a patient segment


In this exercise, you create a patient segment by using the Patient Outreach app in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. You can use a patient segment to group patients into cohorts based on similar characteristics so that they can be better targeted with marketing communications. In this example, you create a patient segment for patients with hypermetropia (a vision condition in which nearby objects appear blurry).

Task: Create patient segment

  1. Go to Power Apps.

  2. On the left navigation pane, select Apps.

  3. Select Patient Outreach app in the right pane and select the play button to launch the application.

  4. Select the Change area dropdown in the lower-left corner and then select Patient journeys.

  5. On the left navigation pane, select Audience > Segments.

  6. Select + New Segment to create a new patient segment.

    Screenshot of New Segment option in the New menu.

  7. On the New Segment page, enter the following information:

    • Name of the segment - Patients with Hypermetropia

    • Select a target audience - Contact

    • Query Assist - Contacts who opened an email

    Screenshot of the new segment page.

  8. Select Create

  9. Expand the arrow next to the Add a new group and select Attribute group.

  10. On the right panel, search for Status under Attributes. In the result, expand Contact and select Status. Select the + button and add this attribute to the existing group.

    Screenshot of the segment with the Add option expanded and attribute panel to add an attribute.

  11. Select the operator as Is and Value as Active.

    Screenshot of the contact and the status set to active.

  12. Select + Add a subgroup.

  13. On the right panel, search for Condition. In the results, select Condition under Condition. Select the + button and add this condition to the existing group and then select Group 1.1.


    If you are unable to find the attribute, you can click on Add a table to add the Condition table and then select the condition attribute in the sub group.

    Screenshot of the segment with Add a table for Condition information.

  14. Select Patient under Add an attribute from a different table pop-up.

    Screenshot of the attribute panel to add an attribute.

  15. Select Done.

  16. Enter the following condition details:

    • Operator – Contains

    • Value – Hypermetropia

    Screenshot of the query block for a new segment for patients with a condition.

  17. At the upper right corner, select Ready to use.. The segment takes approximately 10-15 minutes to be used in journey.


    You won't be able to use the new patient segment in a customer journey until it goes live.

  18. Select the Members and Insights tab to view which patients added to the Dynamic segment. Notice Elizabeth Moore in the list, a recipient of our next marketing event outreach email.

  19. Screenshot of the Members list.

You completed the steps to create a patient segment that can be used for patient outreach. This patient segment will be used in the tasks in the next exercise.