Exercise - Understand the data in the missions DataFrame


Congratulations! You now have a picture of each of the six Apollo missions that landed on the Moon. This picture contains information about the samples that each mission collected and the weights of each lunar and command module.

Index Mission Sample weight (kg) Weight diff Lunar module (LM) LM mass (kg) LM mass diff Command module (CM) CM mass (kg) CM mass diff Total weight (kg) Total weight diff
0 Apollo11 21.55424 0.00000 Eagle (LM-5) 15103 0.0 Columbia (CSM-107) 5560 0.0 20663 0.0
1 Apollo12 34.34238 12.78814 Intrepid (LM-6) 15235 132.0 Yankee Clipper (CM-108) 5609 49.0 20844 181.0
2 Apollo14 41.83363 7.49125 Antares (LM-8) 15264 29.0 Kitty Hawk (CM-110) 5758 149.0 21022 178.0
3 Apollo15 75.39910 33.56547 Falcon (LM-10) 16430 1166.0 Endeavor (CM-112) 5875 117.0 22305 1283.0
4 Apollo16 92.46262 17.06352 Orion (LM-11) 16445 15.0 Casper (CM-113) 5840 -35.0 22285 -20.0
5 Apollo17 109.44402 16.98140 Challenger (LM-12) 16456 11.0 America (CM-114) 5960 120.0 22416 131.0

But what does it mean?

Compare the data

The interesting thing about predicting how much sample each Artemis mission can bring back is that we don't yet know the full specs of the spacecraft that the Artemis mission plans on using. Using some information from the NASA Factsheet on the Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion Modules, we have data on weights and payloads.

A payload is basically the total amount of weight that a rocket can get up through our atmosphere and into space. So the likelihood that the payload number is more accurate than the exact weights of each module is high, because deciding the payload will likely affect each of the other design decisions.

We know that the Saturn V payload was 43,500 kg, and the weights of the modules varied from mission to mission. So, to determine the ratios that will allow us to make predictions about the Artemis missions, we can use:

  • Saturn V payload
  • Mission sample weight
  • Mission module weight
# Sample-to-weight ratio
saturnVPayload = 43500
missions['Crewed area : Payload'] = missions['Total weight (kg)'] / saturnVPayload
missions['Sample : Crewed area'] = missions['Sample weight (kg)'] / missions['Total weight (kg)']
missions['Sample : Payload'] = missions['Sample weight (kg)'] / saturnVPayload
Index Mission Sample weight (kg) Weight diff Lunar module (LM) LM mass (kg) LM mass diff Command module (CM) CM mass (kg) CM mass diff Total weight (kg) Total weight diff Crewed area : Payload Sample : Crewed area Sample : Payload
0 Apollo11 21.55424 0.00000 Eagle (LM-5) 15103 0.0 Columbia (CSM-107) 5560 0.0 20663 0.0 0.475011 0.001043 0.000495
1 Apollo12 34.34238 12.78814 Intrepid (LM-6) 15235 132.0 Yankee Clipper (CM-108) 5609 49.0 20844 181.0 0.479172 0.001648 0.000789
2 Apollo14 41.83363 7.49125 Antares (LM-8) 15264 29.0 Kitty Hawk (CM-110) 5758 149.0 21022 178.0 0.483264 0.001990 0.000962
3 Apollo15 75.39910 33.56547 Falcon (LM-10) 16430 1166.0 Endeavor (CM-112) 5875 117.0 22305 1283.0 0.512759 0.003380 0.001733
4 Apollo16 92.46262 17.06352 Orion (LM-11) 16445 15.0 Casper (CM-113) 5840 -35.0 22285 -20.0 0.512299 0.004149 0.002126
5 Apollo17 109.44402 16.98140 Challenger (LM-12) 16456 11.0 America (CM-114) 5960 120.0 22416 131.0 0.515310 0.004882 0.002516


We're calling the two modules crewed area in the DataFrame because those are the parts of the spacecraft where the crew can be, and likely where the samples would also reside.

Save the ratios

We can then use the mean() function to take the average of all those ratios across all the missions.

crewedArea_payload_ratio = missions['Crewed area : Payload'].mean()
sample_crewedArea_ratio = missions['Sample : Crewed area'].mean()
sample_payload_ratio = missions['Sample : Payload'].mean()

We can then use these ratios to predict the Artemis capacity for samples.