Exercise - Develop a recommendation of Moon rock samples to be collected


Let's take a step back and compare the samples that are running low to all the samples collected on Apollo missions. We can compare the total weight from the needed_samples DataFrame to the rock_samples DataFrame.

needed_samples.groupby('Type')['Weight (kg)'].sum()
Basalt     17.4234
Breccia    10.1185
Name: Weight (kg), dtype: float64
rock_samples.groupby('Type')['Weight (kg)'].sum()
Basalt      93.14077
Breccia    168.88075
Core        19.93587
Crustal      4.74469
Soil        87.58981
Special      0.74410
Name: Weight (kg), dtype: float64

This bit of information really stands out: we didn't have many Crustal rocks in the first place.

We can add Crustal rocks to the set of needed samples:

needed_samples = pd.concat([needed_samples,rock_samples.loc[rock_samples['Type'] == 'Crustal']])
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   ID             68 non-null     int64  
 1   Mission        68 non-null     object 
 2   Type           68 non-null     object 
 3   Subtype        68 non-null     object 
 4   Weight (kg)     68 non-null     float64
 5   Pristine (%)    68 non-null     float64
 6   Remaining (kg)  68 non-null     float64

Summary of needed samples

The final step is to consolidate everything we know into one table that can be shared with the astronauts. First, we need a column for each type of rock that we want more samples of:

needed_samples_overview = pd.DataFrame()
needed_samples_overview['Type'] = needed_samples.Type.unique()
Index Type
0 Basalt
1 Breccia
2 Crustal

Next, we want the total weight of each type of rock that was originally collected:

needed_sample_weights = needed_samples.groupby('Type')['Weight (kg)'].sum().reset_index()
needed_samples_overview = pd.merge(needed_samples_overview, needed_sample_weights, on='Type')
needed_samples_overview.rename(columns={'Weight (kg)':'Total weight (kg)'}, inplace=True)
Index Type Total weight (kg)
0 Basalt 17.42340
1 Breccia 10.11850
2 Crustal 4.74469

When astronauts are up on the Moon, one way they can identify rocks is by their size. If we can give them an estimated size of each type of rock that might make their collection process easier.

needed_sample_ave_weights = needed_samples.groupby('Type')['Weight (kg)'].mean().reset_index()
needed_samples_overview = pd.merge(needed_samples_overview, needed_sample_ave_weights, on='Type')
needed_samples_overview.rename(columns={'Weight (kg)':'Average weight (kg)'}, inplace=True)
Index Type Total weight (kg) Average weight (kg)
0 Basalt 17.42340 1.244529
1 Breccia 10.11850 1.264812
2 Crustal 4.74469 0.103145

Crustals are small! They're probably harder to spot, so no wonder we don't have many of them.

We probably want to give the astronauts some indication of how many of each type we want them to collect. So, for the three types we're looking for, we should grab the total number we have of each type and get the remaining percentage of each type of rock.

total_rock_count = rock_samples.groupby('Type')['ID'].count().reset_index()
needed_samples_overview = pd.merge(needed_samples_overview, total_rock_count, on='Type')
needed_samples_overview.rename(columns={'ID':'Number of samples'}, inplace=True)
total_rocks = needed_samples_overview['Number of samples'].sum()
needed_samples_overview['Percentage of rocks'] = needed_samples_overview['Number of samples'] / total_rocks
Index Type Total weight (kg) Average weight (kg) Number of samples Percentage of rocks
0 Basalt 17.42340 1.244529 351 0.258850
1 Breccia 10.11850 1.264812 959 0.707227
2 Crustal 4.74469 0.103145 46 0.033923

And finally, to tie it all back into a recommendation to the Artemis program, we can determine the average weight of samples we estimated in the preceding unit.

artemis_ave_weight = artemis_mission['Estimated sample weight (kg)'].mean()

We can use this number to determine how many of each rock we want the astronauts to aim to collect:

needed_samples_overview['Weight to collect'] = needed_samples_overview['Percentage of rocks'] * artemis_ave_weight
needed_samples_overview['Rocks to collect'] = needed_samples_overview['Weight to collect'] / needed_samples_overview['Average weight (kg)']
Index Type Total weight (kg) Average weight (kg) Number of samples Percentage of rocks Weight to collect Rocks to collect
0 Basalt 17.42340 1.244529 351 0.258850 16.467267 13.231731
1 Breccia 10.11850 1.264813 959 0.707227 44.991764 35.571884
2 Crustal 4.74469 0.103145 46 0.033923 2.158103 20.922917

So, we might tell the Artemis astronauts to try to collect 13 Basalt rocks, 35 Breccia rocks, and 20 Crustal rocks. Whew!