Evaluate data storage requirements


Planning for a new Azure Cosmos DB account is composed of two components; throughput and storage. While we have already discussed throughput, data in Azure Cosmos DB will also consume SSD storage billed per GB per month.

Migrating existing transactional workloads

The Azure Cosmos DB Capacity Calculator is a calculator surfaced as an online form to plug in details about your existing data workload to help estimate your application's storage and throughput requirements and translate it to a cost estimate in terms of Azure Cosmos DB.

Screenshot of the Azure Cosmos DB Capacity Calculator


The costs detailed in this example may not accurately reflect current storage costs or your current region.

The calculator will inquire about details such as:

  • Total data stored
  • Whether you expect to perform near real-time analytics
  • The anticipated size of documents
  • Point reads per second
  • Queries per second

After your rough estimate and proof of concept, use the capacity calculator to refine your estimate further to a much more accurate cost to run your solution in Azure Cosmos DB.