Time-to-live (TTL)


Azure Cosmos DB allows you to set the length of time documents live in the database before being automatically purged. A document's "time-to-live" (TTL) is measured in seconds from the last modification and can be set at the container level with the ability to override on a per-item basis.

Once set at the container level, Azure Cosmos DB will automatically purge documents at the specified time since they were last modified. The TTL value is defined as an integer in seconds.


The maximum TTL value is 2147483647.

TTL expiration is a background task performed in the background using request units and is scheduled when quiescent.

Configuring TTL on a container

The TTL value for a container is configured using the DefaultTimeToLive property of the container's JSON object.

DefaultTimeToLive Expiration
Does not exist Items are not automatically expired
-1 Items will not expire by default
n n seconds after last modified time

The TTL value for an item is configured by setting the ttl path of the item. The TTL value for an item will only work if the DefaultTimeToLive property is configured for the parent container. If the ttl path is configured for the item, it will override the DefaultTimeToLive property of the parent container.


Container.DefaultTimeToLive Item.ttl Expiration in seconds
1000 null 1000
1000 -1 This item will never expire
1000 2000 2000
Container.DefaultTimeToLive Item.ttl Expiration in seconds
null null This item will never expire
null -1 This item will never expire
null 2000 TTL is disabled at the container level. This item will never expire.