Exercise - Modify the form and view


In this exercise, you modify the Machine Order form to add other columns. When you create a table in Microsoft Dataverse, it also creates a main form for that table with a few basic columns on it. In addition to the form, views are created for the table. Views are used in a model-driven app whenever a list of the table rows are displayed. You would modify the view to add more columns or change the placement. You can also create other views. For example, you might provide a view to show all machine requests that are waiting to be received.


To complete the exercises, you'll need to use a few files. Download the App in a Day files for use in this module. The file folders that are in this download include:

  • Completed modules with instructions - Package files to import the completed exercise steps.
  • Machine-Order-Data.xlsx - File used in the exercises.

Task: Modify the form

To modify the form, follow these steps:

  1. Select Solutions and then open the Contoso Coffee solution.

  2. Select Tables and then open the Machine Order table.

    Screenshot of the device order option under tables.

  3. Go to the Data experiences section and select Forms.

    Screenshot showing the Forms button in the Data experiences section.

  4. Select the Information Main form and then select Edit > Edit in new tab.

    Screenshot showing the Edit in new tab selection.


    The form designer is being modernized. For more information, see Overview of the model-driven form designer.

  5. If you're required to sign in again, do so.

  6. From the Table columns pane to the left of the screen, search for the Approver column and then drag it to the form.

  7. Place the Approver column above the Machine Name column.

    Screenshot of where the Approver column should be dragged.

  8. The new form designer lets you reposition columns. Drag the Approver column and place it between the Machine Name and Owner columns.

  9. The new form designer lets you cut and paste columns. Select the Approver column and then select the Cut button.

  10. Select the Owner column and then select Paste.

    Screenshot of the paste icon.

    The Approver column is moved to the bottom.

    Screenshot of the Approver column selected and moved to the bottom.

  11. Select Save and Publish.

    Screenshot of the Publish button.

  12. Close the Form Designer tab.

  13. Select Done.

Task: Modify the view

To modify the view, follow these steps:

  1. Select Solutions and then open the Contoso Coffee solution.

  2. Select Tables and then open the Machine Order table.

  3. Go to the Data experiences section and select Views.

    Screenshot of the Views option selected in the Data experiences section.

  4. Open the Active Machine Orders option.

    Screenshot showing the Active Machine Orders view.

  5. Select the Approval Status column (you don't need to double-click).

    Screenshot of the Approval Status option.

    The new column is added to the view.

    Screenshot of the new Approval Status column.

  6. Select the + View column button.

    Screenshot of the View column button.

  7. Select Estimated Ship Date.

    Screenshot of the Estimated Ship Date button.

  8. Using the same steps, add the Price and Status columns to the view.

    Screenshot of the Price and Status columns.

  9. Select the Save and Publish button.

  10. Then, select the Back button.

    Screenshot of the Back button.