Embed Power BI content


Developers can embed all Power BI items in their apps, including real-time content. Content types include:

  • Power BI reports
  • Power BI report visuals
  • Paginated reports
  • Dashboards
  • Dashboard tiles
  • Q&A, for natural language querying

Power BI reports

Power BI reports deliver interactive analytical experiences that are designed to encourage exploration and discovery. A well-designed report allows report consumers to discover answers to a broad array of questions. Because there are many visual types, including AI and custom visuals, and interactive features, Power BI reports are the most common Power BI content type that's embedded in apps.


To learn how to create compelling Power BI reports, work through the Design effective reports in Power BI learning path.

When embedded, Power BI reports offer the full functionality that report consumers expect when interacting with them in the Power BI service. That functionality can include page navigation, slicers, filtering, drill-through, bookmarks, or buttons, even when consumers are interacting on small-factor devices like mobile phones. However, embedded Power BI reports aren't always about consumption. Apps can allow users to edit reports or create new ones, too.

Power BI reports offer even more for the developer. The app can interact with the report, for example, by applying filters or bookmarks or by adding new context menu options. The inverse is also true. The report can interact with the app by invoking, for example, client-side app logic when a user selects an element of a chart or selects a report button.

Experience what an embedded report looks like by going to the Power BI embedded analytics playground. There, you can work through the following instructions.


The Power BI embedded analytics playground is a website that helps you learn, explore, and try out Power BI embedded analytics. It includes a developer sandbox for hands-on experiences that use the client APIs with sample Power BI content or your own content. Code snippets and showcases are available for you to explore, too.

For more information, see What is the Power BI embedded analytics playground?

In the left pane, select Explore our APIs.

Screenshot that shows the left pane with the Explore our APIs option highlighted.

In the content pane, notice the Sample dropdown list and the adjacent Embedded mode dropdown list. By default, both dropdown lists are set to display a Power BI report in view mode.

Screenshot that shows two dropdown lists set to display a Power BI report in view mode.

Beneath the dropdown list is the embedded report. Interact with the report by modifying slicer values. Cross-filter the page by selecting a column in the bottom chart.

To view how the report was embedded, select Show sample code in the upper left of the pane.

Screenshot that shows the menu bar with the Show sample code command highlighted.

In the code snippet window, scan through the code by vertically scrolling from top to bottom. Look for the line of code that embeds the report (about halfway down).

report = powerbi.embed(embedContainer, config);

This single line of code uses the client APIs to embed the report in a div element by applying specific configuration values. Select Cancel to close the code snippet window.

In the Embedded mode dropdown list, select Edit mode.

Screenshot that shows the Embedded mode dropdown list set to Edit mode.

The embedded report now has an action bar across the top of the report. It includes the Save this report command, which is located in the far right of the report. Now you can change the report and (attempt to) save the edited report.


Attempting to save the report in the Power BI embedded analytics playground will produce an error because it's a sample app.

Open the code snippet window by selecting Show sample code and locate the statement that creates the config object. Notice that the viewMode property is set to Edit.

viewMode: models.ViewMode.Edit,

Select Cancel to close the code snippet window.

Power BI visuals

You can embed a single report visual that's sourced from a Power BI report. However, you can only view and interact with it. It's not possible to edit or create a single visual. Commonly, the app applies filters to the visual to show data in a specific context. For example, the visual could show monthly sales results of the current year for a specific customer.

In the Power BI embedded analytics playground, in the Sample dropdown list, select Report Visual.

Screenshot that shows the Sample dropdown list set to Report Visual. The Embedded mode dropdown list is set to View mode and is disabled.

In the report visual, right-click any column and use the context menu options to interact with the chart.

Screenshot that shows the context menu open when a column has been right-clicked. Menu options include Drill down, Show as table, and others.

Paginated reports

You can also embed paginated reports. Power BI reports are optimized for exploration and interactivity, but paginated reports are optimized for multipage layouts, printing, or exporting. They also let you produce highly formatted, pixel-perfect layouts. Therefore, paginated reports are ideal for operational reports like sales invoices. They're also a good choice when you need to export the report in different formats, including:

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Data formats, including CSV or XML

In the Power BI embedded analytics playground, in the Sample dropdown list, select Paginated Report.

Screenshot that shows the Sample dropdown list set to Paginated Report. The Embedded mode dropdown list is set to View mode and is disabled.

In the paginated report, in the Business type dropdown list (parameter), select Value Added Reseller, select Active Life Toys in the Reseller dropdown, then select View report.

Screenshot that shows the Business type and Reseller dropdown lists and View report button.

To go to the second report page, on the paginated report menu (located in the upper part of the report), move forward one page.

Screenshot that shows the move next page navigation button.

To review the download options, on the paginated report menu, select Export to open the options.

Screenshot that shows the Export dropdown list options.

You can export paginated reports as PDF documents and as Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint files, and more.


Power BI dashboards provide a way to monitor many metrics in a single view. Dashboards include one or more tiles that display visuals, text, video, and more. Unlike Power BI reports, which emphasize interactivity, dashboards offer a more passive consumption experience. When embedded in an app, the dashboard is almost entirely non-interactive (unless a developer writes code to interact with the app). It's not possible to apply filters to dashboards.

In the Power BI embedded analytics playground, in the Sample dropdown list, select Dashboard.

Screenshot that shows the Sample dropdown list set to Dashboard. The Embedded mode dropdown list is set to View mode and is disabled.

Hover the cursor over any state within the map tile, and notice that a tooltip appears.

Screenshot that shows a dashboard tile that is a map of total units by state. The cursor is hovering over the state of Washington, and a tooltip is open.

Dashboard tiles

You can embed a single dashboard tile.

In the Power BI embedded analytics playground, in the Sample dropdown list, select Tile.

Screenshot that shows the Sample dropdown list set to Tile. The Embedded mode dropdown list is set to View mode and is disabled.

The map tile is embedded, and you can hover the cursor over any state to reveal a tooltip.


The Q&A experience is about natural-language querying of a Power BI semantic model. Users can enter questions in English and receive responses as visualizations. It's an ideal catchall capability for when users have questions that can't be answered by published reports or dashboards.


Encouraging the use of Q&A can help reduce the number of reports and dashboards that you need to develop.

Screenshot that shows an animation of Q&A. A question is selected from a list of proposed questions, and a visual response appears.

In the Power BI embedded analytics playground, in the Sample dropdown list, select Q&A.

Screenshot that shows the Sample dropdown list set to Q&A. The Embedded mode dropdown list is set to View mode and is disabled.

In the upper-left corner of the visual, notice the prepopulated question. Modify the year from 2014 to 2013, then select Enter.

Screenshot that shows the Q&A question box, showing the year set to 2013.

Modify the visual type from clustered column chart to matrix, then select Enter.

Screenshot that shows the Q&A question box, showing the visual type set to matrix.

For more information, see Q&A for Power BI business users.