Create a webpage


A Power Pages site is a website, and it's made up of webpages. Contoso Coffee's suppliers need a way to update their orders' forms, so you'll create the webpage that hosts the form.

  1. From the Data workspace, return to the Pages workspace.

    Screenshot of the left-side navigation with the Pages option highlighted.

  2. Within the Pages pane, select + Page to add a new page.

    Screenshot of the add new page button highlighted. 

  3. Name the page Machine Order Details, clear the Add page to main navigation checkbox, and then leave the Start from blank layout selected. Select Add once complete.

    Screenshot of the Start from blank layout and the Add button. 

  4. Within the prompt to Choose a component to add to this section, select Text.

    Screenshot of the component menu with the text option highlighted.

  5. Enter Order details in the text box and then change Paragraph to Heading 1.

    Screenshot of Order details added with the text type set to Heading 1.