Secure webpages


You've set up security for the Dataverse tables, and now you'll ensure that the actual pages are more secure. You don't want unauthenticated users going to the Machine Orders page and getting a permissions error because you'd rather lock down the page.

  1. Return to the tab with Power Pages design studio and then go to the Pages workspace. 

  2. Select the ellipses (...) menu to the right of the Machine Orders page and then select Page settings.

    Screenshot of the Page settings option. 

  3. Select the Permissions tab, select the I want to choose who can see this page option, and then specify Authenticated Users. Select OK.

    Screenshot of the Permissions tab. 

  4. Repeat this process for the Machine Order Details page.

  5. Select Preview > Desktop, sign out of the site by selecting your name in the upper-right corner, and then select Sign out.

  6. Machine Orders is no longer in the navigation. You can try entering the URL of that page directly, but you'll get a page not found error.