Exercise - Personalize the greeting


Two special user-related variables are available to help you personalize your chatbot conversations, known as claim variables. These variables allow you to show the display name and user ID of the signed-in user in your chatbot.

Task: Edit and personalize the greeting topic

In this task, you'll edit the greeting topic so that the chatbot greets the user in Teams by their name. You'll also edit the standard greeting topic so that it explains to the user what it's designed to help with.

  1. Select Go to topics.

    Screenshot highlighting the Go to topics button.

  2. Find the Greeting topic and select it to open the authoring canvas.

    Screenshot highlighting the Greeting topic.

  3. Personalize the greeting by adding a variable that will display the name of the user. Put your cursor between the word “Hi” and the exclamation point (!) and then add a space. Select the variable icon and then select bot.UserDisplayName.

    Screenshot highlighting the user display name.

  4. Edit the rest of the message with the following text:

    I’m a virtual agent. I can help you with requesting Contoso Coffee swag.

    Screenshot showing the User display name added and the sample message.

  5. Select Save and then wait until the confirmation message appears.

    Screenshot highlighting the Save button and the Topic saved confirmation message.

  6. Test your bot by typing hello in the test bot pane.

  7. Your chatbot should show as using your new greeting, including your name, in the test pane. Green check marks will display in the authoring canvas, showing the successful path that the chatbot has followed during your test.

    Screenshot highlighting the new greeting message.

  8. Select Back to return to your list of topics.

    Screenshot highlighting the Back button to return to your list of topics.