Exercise - Publish and share your chatbot


Now that you've finished editing and testing your bot, you're ready to publish it and test or use it in Teams.

Task: Publish your bot and add it to the team

Your first task is to publish your bot and add it to the team.

  1. Return to your Power Virtual Agents app through the left navigation bar and then open your chatbot for editing. Select the Publish icon in the left Power Virtual Agents navigation menu.

    Screenshot highlighting the publish icon in the left navigation menu.

  2. Select the Publish button and then confirm by selecting the Publish button in the pop-up prompt that asks if you want to publish the latest content.

    Screenshot highlighting the Pubish button.

    When your bot is published, a confirmation message will appear.

    Screenshot highlighting the Edit details option in the Bot preview.

  3. In the Edit details screen, fill in the Short description and Long description fields to describe what your chatbot does. Select the Allow your users to add this bot to a team checkbox, select Yes on the confirmation message, and then select Save. Note the options to change the color and icon.

    Screenshot highlighting the Edit details screen with the Short description and Long description fields filled in.

  4. Select Availability options.

    Screenshot highlighting the Avaibility options button.

  5. Under the Add to a team section, select the Add to Office - Admin option.

    Screenshot highlighting the Add to Office Admin option.

  6. Select Add to confirm.

    Screenshot highlighting the Add button.

  7. In a moment, you'll receive a chat notification from the bot in Teams. Select the ellipsis (...) from the left menu of Teams. Your Office Helper bot should now show.

  8. By default, the bot will be available as such to all members of your team. Enter the trigger phrase request swag in the chat with the bot, and then place the request.

    Screenshot highlighting the Office Helper bot, showing where to enter the new message.

  9. Select Chat to view the bot conversation.

    Screenshot showing the bot conversation in the Chat window.

  10. Select Teams and then go to the team that you've been working in for the labs. A message will display, indicating that the bot has been added to the team. Now, users can @mention the bot to talk to it directly in channel. You can begin the conversation with a bot in a new conversation or in the comments of an existing conversation. Whenever you want to respond to the bot, you should @mention the bot’s name.

    Screenshot showing how to at mention the bot to respond.

Task: Share the chatbot with your organization

In this task, you'll submit the chatbot for admin approval to share with the whole organization.

  1. Return to the Power Virtual Agents app in Teams. Select Chatbots and then open your bot.

    Screenshot showing Chatbots selected and the bot highlighted.

  2. Select Publish from the navigation menu, select the Make the bot available to others option, and then select Availability options.

    Screenshot highlighting the Publish option and the Avaibility options button.

  3. Select Show to everyone in my org.

    Screenshot highlighting the Show to everyone in my org option.

  4. Read the message to understand how the process works (in a real-world situation, this process is what you should have done before you submit for approval). Select Submit for admin approval.

    Screenshot highlighting the Submit for admin approval button.

  5. Confirm that you want to give everyone in your organization access to the bot by selecting Yes.

    Screenshot showing the confirmation dialog to give access permission for everyone.

  6. When your bot has been submitted, a submission status message will display.

    Screenshot highlighting the submission status message.

Task: Approve the chatbot as admin

If you have the admin sign-in info for your tenant, you can play the role of the admin and approve your app. If you're working in a shared tenant, read along but don't perform the steps.

  1. Open a new browser tab and then go to the Microsoft Teams admin center dashboard.

  2. Go to Teams apps > Manage apps in the left navigation menu. One submitted custom app will show as pending approval.

    Screenshot highlighting that one app is pending approval.

  3. Search for the name of the chatbot that you submitted and then open it.

    Screenshot showing the name of the submitted chatbot entered in the Search box.

  4. Select Publish and then confirm in the pop-up message that appears.

    Screenshot highlighting the Publish button in the Teams admin center.

The chatbot will now show as published.

Screenshot showing that the chatbot has been published.