Catalog-specific pricing


An alternative to price groups for B2B business partners is catalogs. Catalogs also allow for specific pricing on your e-commerce website. As business partners grow and use your system, they'll add more users who can order from the site. When this situation occurs, you'll want consistent and clear pricing for all users in these partner organizations. In most B2B scenarios, price groups are created for sales agreements, direct product pricing, or discounts.

You can use catalogs, which can also use price groups, for many products, variants, and assortments. Then, you can apply them to a B2B business partner and all users from that organization.

Consider Commerce catalogs similar to catalogs that you might receive in the mail. This catalog is special. It has specific deals in it because you have a relationship with this business. Because of that relationship, you'll have prices that are different from your neighbors. Furthermore, your neighbors might have different deals than you do based on their relationship with the business. Catalogs allow this scenario to happen in the e-commerce space.

Screenshot of catalog price for all users.

In Dynamics 365 Commerce, when you create a catalog, you can assign it directly to the business partner's record. When it's a line on the Catalog FastTab, the pricing within the catalog for all products will be applied to all users in the Hierarchy FastTab. The Hierarchy FastTab has a list of the administrator and other users who have been added to the business partner record and who have access to your e-commerce site. You can also apply catalogs to one business partner, or many, and you can use them similarly to price groups. For more information, see Create Commerce catalogs for B2B sites.