Exercise - Route network traffic through Azure Firewall


In the previous exercise, you deployed Azure Firewall. Now you need to route all network traffic through the firewall, and filter the traffic by using firewall rules. When you're done, Azure Firewall will protect outbound network traffic for Azure Virtual Desktop.

Route all traffic through the firewall

For the subnet the host pool uses, configure the outbound default route to go through the firewall. You'll complete the following three steps:

  1. Create a route table in the same resource group as your host pool VMs and firewall.
  2. Associate the route table to the subnet that your host pool VMs use.
  3. On the route table, add the route to the firewall.

After you complete those steps, all traffic will route to Azure Firewall.

Create route table

First, you'll create a route table named firewall-route.

  1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Route tables.

  2. Select + Create.

  3. Use the following values:

    Field Value
    Subscription Your subscription
    Resource group learn-firewall-rg
    Region Select the same location that you used previously.
    Name firewall-route

    Screenshot that shows the information to include when creating a route table.

  4. Select Review + create > Create.

  5. After deployment completes, select Go to resource.

Associate route table to the workload's subnet

Now, you'll associate firewall-route to the host pool's subnet.

  1. On firewall-route, under Settings, select Subnets. Screenshot that shows the subnet option under settings for the firewall route.

  2. Select + Associate.

  3. Select the following values:

    Field Value
    Virtual network hostVNet
    Subnet hostSubnet
  4. Select OK and wait until the association is added.

Add route to route table

The last step is to add a route to Azure Firewall on the route table. After you complete this step, all network traffic on the host pool virtual network will route through Azure Firewall.

  1. Under Settings, select Routes.

    Screenshot that shows the routes option under settings on the firewall route table.

  2. Select + Add.

  3. Enter the following values:

    Field Value
    Route name fw-rt
    Destination type IP Addresses
    Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges
    Next hop type Virtual appliance
    Next hop address Paste in the Firewall private IP address from the previous exercise unit. This can be found under your Firewall page, listed as Firewall private IP.

    Screenshot that shows the information to include when adding a route.

  4. Select Add.

Create an application rule collection

By default, the firewall denies access to everything, so you need to configure conditions under which traffic is allowed through the firewall.

Create an application rule collection with rules to allow Azure Virtual Desktop access to several fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).

  1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Firewalls.

  2. Select the learn-fw firewall.

  3. Under Settings, select Rules (classic). Screenshot that shows the rules classic option under settings in the firewall.

  4. Select the Application rule collection tab, and select Add application rule collection. Screenshot that shows the application rule collection tab with the add application rule collection option.

  5. Enter the following information:

    Field Value
    Name app-coll01
    Priority 200
    Action Allow
  6. Under Rules, in the FQDNs tags section, enter the following information:

    Field Value
    Name allow-virtual-desktop
    Source type IP address
    Source Address space for hostVNet, like
    FQDN tags Windows Virtual Desktop
  7. Under Rules, in the Target FQDNs section, enter the following information:

    Field Value
    Name allow-storage-service-bus-accounts
    Source type IP address
    Source Address space for hostVNet, like
    Protocol:Port https
    Target FQDNs *xt.blob.core.windows.net, *eh.servicebus.windows.net, *xt.table.core.windows.net
  8. When you're done, the form looks like the following image: Screenshot that shows the application rule collection form filled out.

  9. Select Add.

Create a network rule collection

Let's say our scenario uses Microsoft Entra Domain Services (Microsoft Entra Domain Services), so you don't need to create a network rule to allow DNS. However, you do need to create a rule to allow traffic from your Azure Virtual Desktop VMs to the Windows activation service. For our network rule to allow Key Management Services (KMS), use the destination IP address of the KMS server for the Azure global cloud.

  1. On learn-fw > Rules (classic), select Network rule collection.

  2. Select the Network rule collection tab, and then select Add network rule collection. Screenshot that shows the network rule collection tab with the add network rule collection option.

  3. Enter the following information:

    Field Value
    Name net-coll01
    Priority 200
    Action Allow
  4. Under Rules, in the IP Addresses section, enter the following information:

    Field Value
    Name allow-kms
    Protocol TCP
    Source type IP address
    Source Address space for hostVNet, like
    Destination type IP address
    Destination Address
    Destination Ports 1688
  5. When you're done, the form looks like the following image: Screenshot that shows the network rule collection form filled out.

  6. Select Add.

Check your work

At this point, you've routed all network traffic for Azure Virtual Desktop through the firewall. Let's make sure the firewall is working as expected. Outbound network traffic from the host pool should filter through the firewall to the Azure Virtual Desktop service. You can verify that the firewall allows traffic through to the service by checking the status of the service components.

  1. In Azure Cloud Shell, run the following command:

    "rdgateway", "rdbroker","rdweb"|% `
    {Invoke-RestMethod -Method:Get `
    -Uri https://$_.wvd.microsoft.com/api/health}|ft `
    -Property Health,TimeStamp,ClusterUrl
  2. You should get something like the following results, where all three component services are listed as healthy:

    Health               TimeStamp           ClusterUrl
    ------               ---------           ----------
    RDGateway is Healthy 7/2/2021 6:00:00 PM https://rdgateway-c101-cac-r1.wvd.microsoft.com/
    RDBroker is Healthy  7/2/2021 6:00:00 PM https://rdbroker-c100-cac-r1.wvd.microsoft.com/
    RDWeb is Healthy     7/2/2021 6:00:00 PM https://rdweb-c100-cac-r1.wvd.microsoft.com/

    If one or more components are not healthy, the firewall isn't working as expected.