Funnel your communication


Who will you funnel your MSA student recruitment information through?

There are many ways that you can get out the word about your Minecraft Student Ambassador program, but the most important point is that you figure out how to make sure interested students find out about your club. These are several suggestions on how to spread the word about the Minecraft Student Ambassador program!

District communication platform

Does your district have a district-wide communication platform that they utilize to share information like parent teacher conference dates, back-to-school dates, etc.? Some of these might include Microsoft Teams, Workplace by Facebook, Remind, Infinite Campus messages, and robo-calls. This might be one place to get started. Utilizing the communication platforms that your district already has in place will help to spread the word about your MSA program.

District newsletter

District newsletters are another idea that you may want to consider when it comes to sharing recruitment information about your MSA program. Perhaps your district uses a tool like Smore or some other website as a means of sharing pertinent information with parents and students. Working alongside your communications department to share recruitment information with your parents and students is great because they're used to receiving information in this manner already.

Instructional technology department

If your school/district has an instructional technology department, they're a great resource to help share information about your MSA program on a district-wide level. Depending on how this department is set up within your district, your instructional technology specialists transition from school to school, working with teachers and students. Involving them in the recruitment process as a possible “word of mouth” works because they've a huge reach to all stakeholders.

Media specialists

Your media specialists are a great asset to include in the recruitment process as they're already based within each of their individual schools. More than likely, they've a great relationship with the students they serve and the teachers in their building. Media specialists know the interests of the students in their schools as they've already established a relationship with them.


Getting your principal(s) on board from the beginning of your MSA program formation is vital to ensure its success. If your administration is excited about the program, chances are that excitement will trickle down to your parents, guardians, and students. Having the voice of your principal aid in getting students excited about applying your MSA program helps spread the word to interested students.