Crew facility resource pool scheduling


Universal Resource Scheduling now provides the ability to handle different scheduling scenarios where multiple resources might need to be scheduled. There have been some enhancements made to the schedule board to help the scheduling process.

View group members

When you're working with resource pools and crews, it's often easier to schedule items and make decisions if you know the actual resources that are in those crews and pools. To help this process, the schedule board contains a new option to view the resources that are associated with a pool or crew. View group members can be accessed by right-clicking on either a resource pool or crew, and selecting view group members.

Screenshot of View Pool Resources in Split View feature.

Working with Resource Pools

When you view members of a resource pool, the individual resources in the pool will be displayed at the bottom. Because the resource pool is used as the placeholder for the scheduled item, it appears as a scheduled item for the pool. Once you've identified the specific resource that you want to move the booking to, you can right-click on the booking and select move to and select the resource that you want to move the booking to.

Screenshot of View booking group.

Working with Crew Scheduling

When you're viewing members of a crew, the individual resources in the pool will be displayed at the bottom like with resource pools. The major difference with crews is that when a crew record is scheduled, a booking record isn't only created for the crew, but a booking record for each member of the crew is created and scheduled as well. If the booking needs to be moved, reassigned, or deleted, it should be done at the crew level. This ensures that the changes flow to all the resources defined in the crew.

Scheduling a Requirement Group

Since requirement groups are a separate entity from requirements, they need to be scheduled separately. When a requirement group is scheduled, any requirements defined on the group will also be scheduled as well.

By default, the requirements panel on the schedule board isn't configured to display requirement groups. If an organization has the need to schedule requirement groups, they'll need to add any necessary requirement views to the requirements panel. It requires two steps to add requirement groups to the panel.

  • Create and define the necessary view on the Requirement Groups entity.
  • Add the Requirement Group entity views to the Requirements Panel on the view.

Requirement Group entity views can be modified in the Power Apps maker portal. Once in the environment you want to work with, go to Dataverse > Tables > Requirement Groups. Once the requirement group table is open, select views. You can edit or create the necessary views you want to use.

Screenshot of Dataverse Tables screen with Requirement Group highlighted.

Learn more: Create and edit public or system views.

Once the views are ready, you need to add the resource requirement group views to the requirements panel. This is done by selecting the vertical ellipsis on the schedule board tab you want to modify, and selecting Board settings.

Screenshot of Requirement Panel with Board settings highlighted.

In the Requirements panel, you'll need to switch the view to display requirement group views. When it's displaying requirement group views, select the view, you want to use and provide a name. Only published public views can be used in the requirements panel. After you select the add button and apply the new requirement group view, it will display on the requirement panel.

Screenshot of Board settings with Requirement Panel highlighted.