Exercise - Decode a full word with a Caesar cipher


Now that you know how to decode one letter given a certain shift amount, you can decode entire words and phrases!

To decipher a complete word, you need to invoke the lasso_letter() function for each letter in the word. Then you put all of the decoded letters together into a decoded word.

This time, you'll write a function called lasso_word() that has two parameters: word and shift_amount.

def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

Words as collections of letters

One way to think about words is that they're just collections of letters. For example, you can think of the word "Hello" as:

'H' - 'e' - 'l' - 'l' - 'o'

A variable can be a name for one piece of data: one word, one letter, one formula, one function, and so on. Python has many ways to represent collections of data. One way is with a list.

A list is exactly what it sounds like. A word can be considered a list of letters. Even better: Python has a way to loop through each item in a list one at a time.

List iteration with a for loop

Because you want to invoke the lasso_letter() function on each letter, you need to loop through each letter in the word that you're trying to decode.

Here's the syntax for a for loop:

for item in list:
    do something

The word that's passed in as a parameter can be considered a list of letters. So, you can write:

def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    for letter in word:

Now that you understand this Python functionality, you can do something to each letter in a word, like invoking the lasso_letter() function.

Invoke the lasso_letter() function

It's fairly straightforward to invoke the lasso_letter() function on each letter in a word:

def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    for letter in word:
        lasso_letter( letter, shift_amount )

Remember that when you wrote the lasso_letter() function, the last line of code in the function was the following:

# Send the decoded letter back
return decoded_letter

This code is called a return statement. This statement sends back the value to the line that invoked the function. To capture that return value, all you have to do is use a variable:

def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    for letter in word:
        decoded_letter = lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount)

Now you're invoking a function that you wrote, lasso_letter(), from a new function that you're writing now: lasso_word().

String letters together

With the code that you just wrote, you'll have one value in the decoded_letter variable. When the loop runs again, the variable gets updated.

You can trace the code to see how this works:

  • word = "gdkkn"
  • shift_amount = 1
Value of
Value of
1 'g' 'h'
2 'd' 'e'
3 'k' 'l'
4 'k' 'l'
5 'n' 'o'

You're left with a variable named decoded_letter that has a value of just the letter 'o'. But, what you wanted was a variable named decoded_word to have the value hello. Recall from the Python basics that we reviewed earlier in this module, you can use the plus sign (+) between two words or letters to combine them.

def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    decoded_word = ""
    for letter in word:
        decoded_letter = lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount)
        decoded_word = decoded_word + decoded_letter

    return decoded_word

With this code, the entire word is now stored in the variable decoded_word. You can send back this value to the line where this function was invoked. You can trace the code like before:

Value of
Value of
Value of
1 'g' 'h' "h"
2 'd' 'e' "he"
3 'k' 'l' "hel"
4 'k' 'l' "hell"
5 'n' 'o' "hello"

Comment your code

Don't forget to add comments to your code, so you know exactly what's happening! (If you return to this exercise later on, you don't want to have to decipher your own code.)

# Define a function to find the truth in a secret message
# Shift the letters in a word by a specified amount to discover the hidden word
def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    # This variable is updated each time another letter is decoded
    decoded_word = ""

    # This for loop iterates through each letter in the word parameter
    for letter in word:
        # The lasso_letter() function is invoked with each letter and the shift amount
        # The result (the decoded letter) is stored in a variable called decoded_letter
        decoded_letter = lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount)

        # The decoded_letter value is added to the end of the decoded_word value
        decoded_word = decoded_word + decoded_letter

    # The decoded_word is sent back to the line of code that invoked this function
    return decoded_word


Be sure to use the same indentation as in this example. Indent the new code from the left margin as shown.

Test your functions

Press the green Run button, and . . . nothing should happen. You've written your two functions, and the lasso_word() function does invoke the lasso_letter() function. But nothing invokes the lasso_word() function yet!

Test your new code by invoking the lasso_word() function with terra as the value for the word parameter and 13 as the value for the shift_amount parameter.

# Try to decode the word "terra"
print( "Shifting terra by 13 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "terra", 13 ) )

Now when you select the Run button, you should see the word green printed on the console:

Screenshot of a test of calls to the lasso functions.

Review the complete file

Now that you've written two lasso functions, your complete decrypt.py file should look like this:

# Define a function to find the truth by shifting the letter by a specified amount
def lasso_letter( letter, shift_amount ):
    # Invoke the ord function to translate the letter to its ASCII code 
    # Save the code value to the variable called letter_code
    letter_code = ord(letter.lower())
    # The ASCII number representation of lowercase letter a
    a_ascii = ord('a')

    # The number of letters in the alphabet
    alphabet_size = 26

    # The formula to calculate the ASCII number for the decoded letter
    # Take into account looping around the alphabet
    true_letter_code = a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)

    # Convert the ASCII number to the character or letter
    decoded_letter = chr(true_letter_code)

    # Send the decoded letter back
    return decoded_letter

# Define a function to find the truth in a secret message
# Shift the letters in a word by a specified amount to discover the hidden word
def lasso_word( word, shift_amount ):

    # This variable is updated each time another letter is decoded
    decoded_word = ""

    # This for loop iterates through each letter in the word parameter
    for letter in word:
        # The lasso_letter() function is invoked with each letter and the shift amount
        # The result (the decoded letter) is stored in a variable called decoded_letter
        decoded_letter = lasso_letter(letter, shift_amount)

        # The decoded_letter value is added to the end of the decoded_word value
        decoded_word = decoded_word + decoded_letter

    # The decoded_word is sent back to the line of code that invoked this function
    return decoded_word

# Try to decode the word "terra"
print( "Shifting terra by 13 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "terra", 13 ) )

Now you're ready to decode the secret message!