Exercise - Use the Lasso decoder to reveal the secret message


Here's the secret message that you need to decipher:

Graphic of the encoded secret message.

After our analysis in this module, here's what you need to do to decode the message:

  1. The word "Ncevy" needs to be shifted by 13.
  2. The word "gpvsui" needs to be shifted by 25.
  3. The word "ugflgkg" needs to be shifted by -18.
  4. The word "wjmmf" needs to be shifted by -1.

Add print statements

Just like when you tested your lasso_word() function on the word "terra" and shifted it by 13, you can add print() statements to the bottom of your decrypt.py file to print all the decoded words.

print( "Shifting Ncevy by 13 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "Ncevy", 13 ) )
print( "Shifting gpvsui by 25 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "gpvsui", 25 ) )
print( "Shifting ugflgkg by -18 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "ugflgkg", -18 ) )
print( "Shifting wjmmf by -1 gives: \n" + lasso_word( "wjmmf", -1 ) )

Now select the Run button. You should see the final clue to the meeting location and date to find the hidden treasure!