Create asset type defaults


Follow these steps to create asset type defaults:

  1. Go to Asset management > Setup > Assets > Asset types > Asset type defaults.
  2. The first time that you use the Asset type setup page, you might find the Create combinations button useful. You can use this button to quickly create all combinations of an asset model on an asset type. Select Create combinations, select the asset type to create combinations for, and then select OK.
  3. Select New to manually create an asset type setup.
  4. Depending on how specific the asset type setup should be, make selections in the Asset type, Manufacturer, and Model fields.
  5. If a warranty agreement is related to the asset type, select the agreement in the Vendor warranty and Customer warranty fields.
  6. On the Spare parts FastTab, select Add to add spare parts to the selected asset type setup.
  7. To approve a spare part, select the spare part line and then select Approve. You can select multiple lines for approval.
  8. To see whether a spare part is used somewhere else in Asset Management (for example, in relation to assets and work orders), select the spare part line and then select Item where used to open the Item where used page. To see all active spare parts in the list, select the Active check box. To see only approved spare parts, select the Approved check box.
  9. On the Maintenance plans FastTab, select Add to add maintenance plans to the selected asset type setup.
  10. To copy one asset type setup to another setup, you can use the Copy function. Select the asset type setup to copy a setup to, select Copy setup, and select the asset type setup to copy the setup from. The settings of the various options determine how much information is included. When you've finished, select OK to copy the setup.

Spare parts on the asset type setup

Spare parts are set up on asset models on the Asset type setup page. Therefore, when you open the Asset type setup page, you see only the spare parts that are related to the selected combination of an asset type, asset manufacturer, and asset model. To see a list of all spare part records:

  1. Go to Asset management > Asset type defaults.
  2. Open the Spare parts FastTab.

On the Spare parts page, you can also create new spare parts for existing combinations of an asset type, asset manufacturer, and asset model. You can decide whether you prefer to create spare part records on the Asset type setup page or the Spare parts page.

The Asset type setup page provides an overview of data on the selected combination of an asset type, asset manufacturer, and asset model, whereas the Spare parts page provides a complete overview of all asset type setup lines.

If the Spare parts page contains many records, the Asset type setup page might give you a better overview. To see whether the spare part on the selected line is used anywhere else in Asset Management (for example, in relation to assets and work orders), select Item where used to open the Item where used page.

To see a list of all spare part records, go to Asset management > Inquiries > Spare parts.

On the Spare parts page, you can:

  • Create a new spare part for an asset type default.
  • Delete, approve, and remove an approval for an existing spare part.