Asset counters


Counters allow you to assign tracking to your assets for usage, such as hours in use, distance, mileage used, and so on. This feature is helpful because you can then set counters to let you know when the next preventative maintenance should occur. For example, a belt might need replacing after every 200 hours of use in a production line. As part of the Asset types configuration, the Counters FastTab is an optional field and can be added at a later time.

Examples of counters:

  • Hours in use
  • Production quantity
  • Temperature (Celsius and Fahrenheit)
  • Distance in miles, kilometers, and so on
  • Measurements

Counters can be updated manually or automatically

Create counters

Follow these steps to create counters:

  1. Go to Asset management > Setup > Asset types > Counters.

  2. Select New to create a new counter type.

  3. Enter the name of the Counter, such as Distance-mi.

  4. Enter the counter Name by using descriptive information, such as Distance in miles.

  5. The Asset types field is an automated field that provides the number of asset types that are associated with this counter.

  6. On the General FastTab, select a Unit from the drop-down menu. Select mi.

  7. From the Update drop-down menu, select the update method to be used for the counter. The options are:

    • Manual – The counter values are manually registered.
    • Production hours – The counter automatically tracks, and updates based on the number of production hours.
    • Production quantity – The counter automatically tracks, and updates based on the quantity that is produced.
  8. The Inherit asset counter values toggle button can be switched to Yes if child assets in an asset structure should be included in counter registrations that are made on the parent asset.

  9. In the Total aggregate field, select the summation method to be used for a counter. Sum is the total value of a counter and consists of the values that are totaled together to create the sum.

    Average is an amount, standard, or rate that is regarded as ordinary. It can be used if a counter is set up to monitor a threshold, for example, regarding temperature, vibrations, or wear and tear on an asset.

  10. In the Deviation over field, identify the amount, in percentage, of overage that the value can deviate from the acceptable standard for validation. The validation is based on a linear increase in existing counter registrations.

  11. In the Deviation under field, enter the amount, in percentage, that the value can deviate from the acceptable standard for validation. The validation is based on a linear decrease in existing counter registrations.

  12. Select the notification Type from the drop-down menu. The Type defines the kind of message to be shown when deviations are found to be outside of the defined ranges. The available options include:

    • Information
    • Warning
    • Error
  13. On the Asset types FastTab, you can define the Asset types by using this counter.

  14. On the Related asset counters FastTab, you can automatically update counters that are related to this counter. For example, you can track the hours that are used on a forklift, the associated hours on the engine, and the hours since the oil was last changed.

Screenshot of an example in the Counters page.