Maintenance worker responsibilities


Responsible maintenance workers are people who are skilled in maintaining the assets in your organization. Maintenance workers can be assigned to maintenance requests by asset types, assets, functional locations, maintenance job type categories, maintenance job types, maintenance job type variants, and trades. They can also be assigned to work orders and maintenance requests to indicate a preference on who should be responsible for completing the order.

Maintenance worker responsibilities is used to automatically create and assign responsible workers who are associated with the asset, location, and/or repair type as needed. As an example, a specific electrician is needed to repair wiring on a conveyer belt.

Electricians are set up in the “Electricians” Responsible maintenance worker group and the specific electrician, is set up as a Responsible worker who is associated with the “Electrician” Responsible maintenance worker group. Therefore, when a maintenance request is created, the responsible worker automatically populates on the Maintenance request page.


If you have no preference, you can leave the Responsible maintenance workers field blank. This field is optional.

When a worker is assigned to a work order or maintenance request, you can make updates to the responsible maintenance workers if a change occurs in the request or schedule.

Before you can set up responsible maintenance workers, you must set up the various workers and maintenance worker groups. This process is reviewed in detail in the Set up assets in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management module.

In Asset Management, you can also set up preferred maintenance workers whom you want assigned to work orders during the work order scheduling.

The setup on the Responsible maintenance workers page is not used during work order scheduling.

Example - Set up responsible maintenance workers

Munson’s Pickles and Preserves Farm has chosen to use this functionality. The following procedure takes you through the steps of setting up the Responsible maintenance workers feature in Asset Management.

  1. Go to Asset Management > Setup > Workers > Responsible maintenance workers.

  2. Select New to create a new record. A row appears from which you can select from the desired drop-down menus.

  3. On this page, you can assign responsible maintenance workers by:

    • Asset type
    • Asset
    • Functional location
    • Maintenance job type category
    • Maintenance job type
    • Maintenance job type variant
    • Trade

    As an example, you can assign a Responsible (maintenance) worker to an Asset type such as a “Forklift” or you can assign a Responsible worker to a functional location, such as your production line where the salsa is being made.

We recommend that you start by creating a default Responsible maintenance worker or Responsible maintenance worker group setup.

  1. Select the Responsible maintenance worker group and/or the Responsible worker from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of new Responsible maintenance worker group.

  1. Leave the remaining fields blank. This setup will be used during work order scheduling if no other, more specific combination matches the contents of the work order.

When a maintenance request is created, Asset Management tries to find the best possible match by using the criterion that is established through the following steps:

  1. It starts in the Trade field. If no match is found, it moves to the next field on the left.

  2. It moves to the Maintenance job type variant field. If no match is found it moves to the left again.

  3. The system moves to the Maintenance job type field and continues to work its way to the left until it reaches the Asset type field.

    If it reaches the Asset type field and still no match is found, the default record in those seven fields is used.