Use AI for your training plans


Lesson planning is a vital skill for trainers, as it helps them design effective and engaging learning experiences for their learners. However, lesson planning can also be a time-consuming and challenging task, especially when dealing with complex topics and limited resources while catering to the diverse needs of learners. This is where AI can support. By incorporating AI tools into training, trainers can apply innovative ways to engage learners and foster creativity.

Discover how generative AI can enhance your training:

  • Building learning objectives. When drafting session objectives, it's important to begin with understanding learners' needs. Generative AI tools like Microsoft Copilot can suggest relevant keywords, concepts, and skills to create learning objectives. AI tools like the Microsoft Copilot feature in Microsoft Excel can generate data on current learners’ performance and identify learning gaps.

  • Streamlining the research process. Comprehending new information related to subjects can be time-consuming. Tools like Microsoft Copilot can be used to summarize key findings from long articles and provide relevant examples for demonstrating concepts, making the task more effective.

  • Creating assessments. Learners' progress and outcomes can be measured using AI assessment tools to create essay prompts, quizzes, tests, and assignments that encourage critical thinking. For example, Microsoft Forms allows trainers to create online quizzes and surveys for instant grading and feedback.

  • Providing feedback. AI tools can provide personalized and timely feedback to learners by analyzing their performance data and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. For example, Microsoft's AI-powered tool Reading Coach allows trainers to provide feedback to learners who are struggling with reading or writing by highlighting errors, suggest corrections, and offer personalized practice opportunities.

  • Improving writing quality. With AI integrated into writing applications like Microsoft Word, real-time support is available while writing training plans. It optimizes the writing context and offers suggestions for wording and formatting.