Cloud computing and Azure


In this unit, you're introduced to the concept of cloud computing and the cloud platform Azure. You'll also learn about the core services provided by Microsoft Azure.

Cloud computing

What comes to your mind when you hear the term cloud computing? It sounds complex or complicated, right?

Let’s try to make it less complicated by looking at it from a high level and hopefully you'll learn that it's not as complex as you thought.

Think of the cloud as a library where you can borrow books whenever you need them, without buying or storing them in your own house. In the same way, with cloud computing, you can use the computing resources you need when you need them without having to own and maintain the hardware and software yourself. It makes computing easy, flexible, and often less expensive.

So, what is the cloud? In short, it’s a collection of gigantic datacenters spread out across the globe. Each datacenter consists of thousands of connected servers that can run any kind of operating system and app you can think of.

Cloud computing is a technology that allows you to access and use computer resources (like software, storage, and processing power) over the internet without needing to own or physically manage those resources yourself.


Azure is a Microsoft cloud platform consisting of more than 200 services and products. It covers a range of different topics, including AI, app development, data science, machine learning, storage, and much more.

With Azure, you can "save the day" for individuals and organizations all around the globe. For example, Azure can help businesses manage their finances, assist healthcare providers in delivering top-quality patient care, or power online gaming platforms.

Benefits of Azure

Using the cloud, and Azure in particular, offers many benefits, including:

  • Disaster recovery: Natural disasters can halt operations for weeks. Think of datacenters damaged as a result of hurricane Sandy in 2012. The cloud stores your apps, freeing them from being tied to a specific datacenter and allowing them to exist as copies in different parts of the world.
  • Security: Security is difficult to write yourself because it's easy to miss specific use cases. To ensure the safety of your customers and their data, use best-in-class security services provided by a cloud operator like Azure.
  • Scaling: Imagine you’re running an e-commerce business on-premises. In such a business, you need to plan for holidays and other periods where you expect extra traffic to your site. You might have servers on standby or you might buy extra servers just for this period. When the busy period is over, you end up powering down servers and maybe put them in storage. With the cloud, you have seamless scaling without waste. The cloud can perform horizontal scaling to scale to the number of servers you need for your site at any given time. You can also configure your services so that your servers have more CPU and memory or other improved hardware specifications, this type of scaling is known as vertical scaling.

In short, Azure offers multiple benefits that make it easy for you to invent with purpose.

Scenario: Build a college project

Now that you have gained a deeper understanding of cloud computing and Microsoft Azure, lets explore the ways in which Azure can be used in an academic setting.

Imagine you're developing a college project. With Azure, you have all the resources you need to ensure your project is a success.

  • Processing: Azure provides high-performance computing power, enabling you to run the backend of your applications or perform complex tasks without the need to manage hardware.

  • Storage: Azure offers storage space, like a backpack that can hold all of your project materials. You can securely store project files, data, and images in the cloud, allowing for easy access from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Tools: Azure offers an array of development tools, like a toolbox full of cool gadgets. You can use these tools to build, secure, and host web apps, mobile apps, and even chatbots!

  • Data learning: Azure also offers useful tools for data analytics and machine learning that can help you find patterns in your data. You can use these tools to build intelligent applications capable of making predictions or detecting anomalies in data.

With its impressive computing power, expansive storage space, versatile development tools, and advanced machine learning capabilities, Azure empowers you to create innovative projects with purpose and impact.

Check your knowledge

Choose the best response for each question. Then select Check your answers.


What is cloud computing?


Which of the following statements best describes Azure?


Which of the following is a realistic example of Azure being used in the real world?