Social and governance metrics and reports


The Social and governance metrics and reports capability empowers you to integrate diverse data from multiple sources into a standardized schema, offering data models for social and governance records. With this standardized data, you can define, compute, and analyze social and governance metrics. Additionally, you can visualize trendlines and explore these metrics through interactive dashboards.

The Social and governance metrics and reports capability includes the following features:

  • Data ingestion and transformation

  • Computation of analytical datasets and metrics

  • Data visualization and analysis

Social and governance metrics and reports resources

Social and governance metrics and reports include notebooks and data lakes that are responsible for computing and storing social and governance metrics based on standardized data models. The capability is further enriched with dashboards that help you visualize and analyze social and governance metrics.

The data lakes that this capability deploys are:

  • ProcessedSocialAndGovernanceData - Stores harmonized social and governance data that conforms to a standardized environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data model.

  • ComputedSocialAndGovernanceMetrics - Stores computed social and governance metrics and aggregated analytical datasets.

  • ConfigAndDemoData - Stores the ESG data model schema file and demo data in the ESG data model schema.

All resources that this solution deploys are prebuilt and integrated into your Fabric workspace. These resources are open and allow you to customize them to meet your specific needs. For more information, see Social and governance metrics and reports.

Data ingestion and transformation

You can integrate your social and governance data from disparate sources by using Microsoft Fabric ingestion capabilities, such as data pipelines and data flows. After the solution integrates the source data into a lakehouse in your workspace on Fabric, you can unify and harmonize the data into the ESG data model schema. This schema provides standard data models for social and governance records.

To transform the data into the ESG data model schema, you can use Fabric dataflows. Alternatively, you can build and run notebooks. Before constructing the transformation logic, you need to explore the ESG data model schema by using the artifacts that the solution deploys in the workspace during the ESG data estate deployment.

  • ESGschema.json - This file provides the schema of the tables in the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability ESG data model, including details about columns, primary keys, and foreign key relationships for each table. The file is in the Config folder of the ConfigAndDemoData lakehouse.

  • GenerateSocialAndGovernanceTables - This notebook provides the Create Table function that you can use to create empty tables for the social and governance sustainability area.

Computation of analytical datasets and metrics

After transforming the source data and mapping it to the ESG data model schema, you can compute analytical datasets and metrics to analyze your organization's social and governance data. This capability deploys the GenerateSocialAndGovernanceMetrics notebook in your workspace. You can use this notebook to generate specific social and governance metrics. You can update the notebook to modify the computation logic for specific metrics or compute more metrics.

Data visualization and analysis

After the solution computes the metrics and stores them as tables, you can use the prebuilt Power BI dashboard for analyzing the metrics.