Waste sustainability overview


Sustainable waste management features in Sustainability Manager enable organizations to unify, prepare, analyze, and report on waste quantity and quality characteristics. Use cases include filing sustainability disclosures and meeting compliance requirements on hazardous and radioactive waste sent to landfills. It enables organizations to meet waste disclosure requirements and understand your waste management efficiency at an organization or facility level based on standard metrics. Track your waste intensity, recovery rate, and diversion rate KPIs in waste-related reports.

Key waste scenarios

Sustainability waste management allows organizations to manage waste quantity and quality characteristics. This includes data on waste disposed, recovered, or recycled, and total waste generated. It helps organizations understand and report on the total waste generated and the amount disposed of at landfills. It also tracks hazardous and radioactive properties in the disposed waste, ensuring they are within permissible limits.

Microsoft Sustainability Manager enables the following Waste sustainability scenarios:

  • Report waste quantity for facilities and org-wide to meet regulatory disclosures such as GRI, SASB, EU Waste Directive

  • Monitor performance against net zero-waste goals

  • Track waste generation, processing, reduction and diversion rates across facilities and at an org-level

  • Report on waste contaminants and chemicals data for facilities and across org based on EPA's Solid waste regulations covered as a part of the RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)